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(Light's p.o.v)

Ryuk was with me in my room. It had been almost a week since I had the death note. Shilo has no idea about what I am doing. I am doing this for her. After her mother died I couldn't loose her too. So I kept her here. "So light when do you plane on telling Shilo about what you are doing." Ryuk asked. I looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't plan on telling her anything about what I am dong." I said making Ryuk frown. "Light you are going to have to tell her sooner than later. What happened if she finds out by herself then what she will hate you for the rest of her life." He said. I just went outside and saw someone who was being robbed. I took out the death note and wrote down his name and state his death. Then I went into the basement of my house. I sat down on the chair. After my girlfriend died I had blamed myself for her death so I tried to keep Shilo safe from the world outside.


Where did our daughter go?
My burdens, I can't erase
Her mother, I might have saved

(Assassin, murderer, monster)

Marni, I need you now
Look what I've become
The nightmare that she should fear
Is the father you left alone
Assassin, murderer, monster
Oh, oh
Assassin, murderer, monster
Oh, oh, oh
Assassin, murderer, monster

Years roll by without you, Marni
Seventeen have come and gone
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions

I am lost without you here
I am only living out a lie

But Shilo can never leave
She is my everything
Nothing can bring you back
Shilo is all I have

Oh, oh, oh
Assassin, murderer, monster
Assassin, murderer, monster

Oh, oh, oh
Assassin, murderer, monster
Oh, oh!

Years roll by without you, Marni
Seventeen have come and gone
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions
But there is something I can't tell her
I am lost without you here
I am only living out a lie

I'm the monster
I'm the villain
What perfection!
What precision!

Keen incisions
I deliver (Assassin!)
Unscathed organs (Assassin!)
I deliver (Assassin!)
Repossessions (Assassin!)
I deliver (Assassin!)
I the Repo (Assassin!)
Legal assassin! (Assassin!)

After that I went up to my room and saw the news report about how L was going to figure out the case. People started calling me KIRA. Right after his 'in person' Speech I wrote down his name. He died of a heart attack. Next thing I know the screen turns into one with white and a L on it. L said something about him finding me. And he hopes to bring me to justice. After that I went upstairs to shills room. "Shilo I am heading to work okay call me if you need anything and don't forget to take you medicine. Okay I'll be back in to or four hours." I said and then I went out to go find more bad people to kill.  

DEATH NOTE X LIGHT'S DAUGHTER SHILOWhere stories live. Discover now