12. Evolution.

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//Present Day//
Marlana’s P.O.V
“Rachelle, come here. Guys, we will meet up after the match okay?” I tell Roman and Austin. Rachelle follows me into our locker room, and we sit down, holding each other’s hands. “We needed a moment to get into that head space before the match.” I told her and so we both put music in, breathing in and out deep breaths.
“Main event match starting in 5 minutes.” We heard Charly say. I stand up with Rachelle and start pacing, warming up. Rachelle was doing the same thing.
“Rachelle?” I call out to her and she turns around to look at me, “Let’s do this.” I say and we make our way to the gorilla.
It felt like time had stood still, like everything was happening in slow motion. Our music hits and we step out and look out at the crowd who had all stood to their feet. We make it down to the ring and do our infamous handshake and stand against the ropes as the twin’s music hits.
They make it into the ring and smile at us and raise their titles over the heads as the announcer announces their names. The bell rings and Rachelle gives me the look that she would be starting the match.
She stands across Brie, and both take a deep breath and look at the crowd. Nikki starts clapping, and I join her. I grab onto the string as I watch Brie, and Rachelle lock up.
Rachelle backs her into our corner and tags me in, I give Brie a kick to the gut before rolling her onto the middle of the mat. I run back to Rachelle and tag her back into the match.
She picks Brie up by her head and Irish whips her into the corner before running up and giving her a knee. Brie slumps down into the corner and so Rachelle runs to the other corner and back to her with the double knees. She picks up Brie again and delivers a snap suplex and quickly covers, only getting the one count.
Brie scurries over to give Nikki a tag. Nikki points at me and Rachelle shrugs her shoulders before slapping my hand and I enter the match. We lock up and she quickly snaps me down to the mat, putting me in a head lock and I wrap my leg around her neck to switch the weight. I only had a light hold her so she could reverse it quickly and put me back in the head lock.
Rachelle starts to pump up the crowd, giving me the edge, I needed to get up. I back her into the ropes and release her to where she runs to the other side of the ropes and when she comes back to me, she hits me with a clothesline, and I my head bounces off the mat once I hit it and boy, did that hurt. I lay there for a moment and I can see Rachelle’s eyes on me. I give her a small nod to let her know that I’m okay.
I make my way back up and block Nikki’s forearm to give her one of my own and then do a shoulder take down. When she gets back up, we both go for a cross-body and knock each other down.
The crowd was going crazy and both Brie, and Rachelle, were ready to have a tag made.
We both slowly make our ways to tag them and I finally reach Rachelle and Nikki reaches Brie. Rachelle came in hot with clothesline after clothesline before taking Brie down and giving her forearms to the chest.
Nikki tries to interfere and so I run across the ring and throw her onto the outside. By time I reach the ground, she hits me in my stomach with a chair and I fall to a knee. She goes around behind me and slams me on the back with another chair shot. She throws it down and hops back up onto the apron of the ring so Brie could tag her in. I was in pain, Nikki sure as hell knows how to deliver a chair shot. I finally prop back up on my knees to see Rachelle in Nikki’s submission, trying to get to a rope. This was a no-disqualification match though so therefore, no rope break.
I run in and hit Nikki with the same chair that she had just hit me with, to break the hold. I slide it over to Rachelle while Nikki tags Brie. “Hit her with the chair!” I yell to her and she smiles, knowing that was one of her favorite sayings and gets up just in time to hit Brie over the back.
She tosses the chair to the ground and goes up to the top turnbuckle. Brie looks up and Rachelle gives her an evil smile. “Brie Mode!” Rachelle taunts and delivers a missile drop kick to Brie. The fucking irony.
I laugh to myself and watch my best friend as she stands over her. “This is for you.” She says and does a standing, shooting-star press. When the fuck did she learn that?! I watch my best friend get up and smile at me while my jaw dropped.
Nikki tries to interfere, but I take her down with a spear as the ref counts 1….2….3!
“Here are your winners, AND NEW WWE WOMEN’S TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, NICOLE & MORGAN.” Greg announces and Nikki rolls out of the ring as I slide over to my best friend with the titles and hug her in the middle of the ring.
I swear we didn’t move for like 5 minutes. “You fucking did it!” I whisper shout in her ear and she looks up and shakes her head.
“No, WE fucking did it.” She says and we use each other to stand up and raise the titles over our heads.
We make it to the back and were having our side plates put on when Nikki and Brie walked up to us. “So, we didn’t want to tell you guys beforehand because well, you deserved your moment, but.” Brie pauses and looks to Nikki. “That was our official last match. We’re done and there aren’t any other 2 deserving people to pass the torch too.” She says and I’m speechless.
“I don’t even know what to say.” Rachelle says and the twin’s grab us to give us a big group hug. “Thank you, you have no idea what this means to us.” I say when we pull away.
“No, thank you girls. Maybe one day we can have you on Total Bella’s?” Nikki questions and we both nod excitedly, and they tell us goodbye and walk off.
We take our titles and put them around our waists and walk over to the photographer to do a post-match photo shoot.
As I sit there, posing with my best friend with the tag team titles, I can’t help but just live in the moment. We were living the dream despite all the hardships and being told that we would never do it. We fucking did it, and I was proud. Proud of my best friend who stood right next to me, proud of myself for never letting the doubters get to me & proud of the two of us who were just 2 girls who loved wrestling, dreaming of doing this one day.
“Marlana?” Rachelle pulls me out of my thoughts and smiles at me. “Let’s go to the locker room, the boys are waiting.” She tells me and we were almost there when I stop and hug her again.
“I wouldn’t want to tag with anyone else. Thank you.” I tell her and she hugs me back. “Always.” She says and we enter the locker room and Austin and Roman stand up, clapping and hugging us.
“We have a surprise for you.” They say in unison, and step back, “Come on in girls.” Austin says, and the locker room starts to fill up with so many legends. I mean from Becky Lynch, to Lita, to Candice Lerae and so many more.
“Congratulations ladies, no two people are more deserving.” Bayley says and we go through each one of them, giving them a hug and each one of them congratulating us.
Later, they all leave, and we meet Roman and Austin outside. They both had a bouquet of flowers in their hands. “Did you y’all organize that?” I ask Roman and he looks over at Austin and smiles.
“Of course, we did.” Roman says and I smile widely, and Austin takes a picture of us, then Roman goes to take a picture of Austin and Rachelle.
“So, we have one more surprise for you ladies.” Austin says. He and Roman walk us around the corner where we spot a Black Jeep Wrangler for Rachelle and right next to it, was a Black Range Rover.
“Are you fucking serious?” Rachelle exclaims and Austin hands her the keys and smiles at her.
“Babe.” I gasp and he laughs and hands me the keys to mine. I climb into the Rover and Rachelle had already started driving through the parking lot in her jeep.
I’m not saying I’m ready to die, but if tonight was my last night on earth, I would die happy.
I decided to drive the Rover home, and by time I got there. Roman had already parked and was getting out of his car. I hopped down from the range rover, my title still around my waist.
I walk over to him and he wraps me in a hug. “Austin and Rachelle are on their way. They wanted to have some drinks to celebrate.” He says and I nod and pull away from him and look up at the sky.
“It was their final official match.” I say and look at Roman as we make our way inside. “They told us when we were getting the side plates on.” We make it inside of the house and I go upstairs to change.
When I come back down, Roman and Austin were already drinking their beers and Rachelle sat at the bar where I joined her. “Hey champ.” I say to her and she smiles at me.
“Hey champ!” She yells and pours us shots. I took the shot and she poured me another one. We get down from the bar and walk over into a kitchen where Roman and Austin were in a conversation and Roman was laughing at him.
“I’m still in shock.” Rachelle says and I nod. “Nikki knows how to do a damn chair shot though.” I say and Rachelle laughs and nods. “She sure does.”
What I’m not telling them is just how bad it did hurt. I didn’t want anything to jeopardize our win or how we were to be booked. I straighten up to pop my back and wince and when I did, I caught Roman out of the corner of my eye looking concerned.
He walks over to me and places his hand in the middle of my back and starts talking to Rachelle. I know he was just concerned but he didn’t need to massage my back. “I’m going to the restroom; I’ll be right back.” I say and walk down the hall and when I reached the bathroom, I hunched over the counter and a sharp pain.
I gasp out loud and hear someone walking down the hall. “Babe?” I hear Roman call out and he walks into the bathroom. “How bad is it?” He asks and I stand up.
“Not bad, I’ll be fine. I just need a minute.” I tell him and put the seat to the toilet down, to sit. He shuts the door behind him and locks it. Walking over to me and hands me some Advil and a bottle of water. “I think I just need some rest.” I tell him and he looks up at me and nods. He pushes the hair on forehead, back behind my ear. “I promise I’m okay.” I tell him and his face softens. He stands up and takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom and back down the hallway, into the living room.
“You guys can crash here tonight.” Roman tells them and shows them to their room. He goes to get in the shower, and I lay down on the bed, browsing through Netflix.
I just had the office on as background noise while I scrolled through twitter and made my post about tonight. The fact that me & Rachelle were the number 1 trend worldwide made me happy. “What are you smiling about?” Roman asks when he exited the bathroom and slid into the bed next to me.
“We are the number 1 trend on twitter. It’s just really cool to see.” I say and I place my phone on the charger and roll over to face him.
“I’m so proud of you.” He whispers and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“Thank you.” I tell him and he bends down to leave another kiss to my lips. He wraps me up in his arms and I quickly fall asleep.
//Present Day//
Rachelle’s P.O.V
Roman exits the guest room and I get changed and make the post about tonight and see that Marlana had already tagged me in one. She had posted our Halloween jacket from years back, 2 photos from the photoshoot, and a picture that someone took of us before we had made our entrance. “Best Friends. Sisters. Tag Team Champions. We did it @RachelleeeMorgann”
Austin walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m so proud of you.” He says and kisses my cheek.
“Thank you.” I tell him and he lets go of me and I finally take the title off my waist and lay it down. I glanced at the number 1 trend and it was us.
I was engaged to the man I love and my best friend. I was a champion with my best friend and wrestling soul mate, Marlana.
It can only go up from here, and I’m ready for the ride of a life time.

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