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//Present Day//

Marlana's P.O.V

Me and Rachelle had picked up another win, and made our way to the back. Austin was there to greet her and I took off to the locker room to get changed so that way by time Roman was done, we could leave. 

When I got there, Galina was standing in the middle of the room. "What are you doing in here?" I ask her and she turns around to face me. She pushes her hair back and takes a few steps towards me.  

"I just needed to see what all the hype was about." She says and looks me up and down. "Seems like I'm not missing much." She says and I roll my eyes. 

"If you are here to just insult me, then feel free to get the hell out." I tell her and stand there with my arms crossed. 

"Honey, I'm not scared of you. You should be scared of me." She says and I laugh at her. "You think that's funny?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Listen, Roman doesn't know what he wants, and I definitely know that he doesn't want you." 

"How would you know what he wants?! He hasn't been happy in years because of you!" I yell at her and she just gives me a blank stare. 

"Is that what he told you?" She asks me, stepping closer to me. "He probably would have told you anything to get into your pants. He was just getting back at me for cheating on him." She says and laughs. "You really think he wants a homewrecker like you? You're nothing compared to me. He will always love me. I am the mother of his children. I was there years ago when he was getting treated for his cancer. You are just a little fling until he realizes what he wants and comes running back to me. To our family." She finishes her rant and is now face to face with me. "What's wrong? No smartass remark this time?" She asks me. 

At the moment, Rachelle had walked in. "What the fuck? You need to leave, now." Rachelle tells her and Galina laughs. 

"So, what, you got little bitches fighting your battles for you too?" Galina asks and Rachelle steps up and gets in between us. 

"First of all, you can kindly fuck the fuck off, speaking to my best friend like that. Secondly, I'm not her bitch, I'm her best friend and her problems are mine and third, just wait until Roman gets here cause he is right around the corner." Rachelle says and less than a minute later Roman walks in. 

"What the fuck is going on here?" Roman asks but I'm frozen in place and can't speak. "Galina, get the fuck out. You don't work here. Rachelle, take Marlana to the car please." Roman says and I shake my head. 

"No. I want her to apologize to me for coming in here and insulting me for no fucking reason." I say and Roman sighs and looks between the 3 of us. 

"Rachelle, go home with Austin. We will call you later." Roman says and Rachelle nods and walks out the door. 

"Roman, why don't you just come home? This skank isn't anything compared to me. She doesn't love you!" Galina yells and Roman sets his title down and walks over to her. 

"She has loved me more in the few short years that I've known her, than you did our entire relationship. We are divorced, the only time you need to contact me, is when it's about the kids. You had no right to come in here and disrespect my girlfriend, especially in her place of work. Get the fuck out now." Roman says sternly. 

"You'll be lucky if you ever see your kids again." She says and Roman stops her hand as she tries to slap him. "If you even think, about threatening my kids, I'll take you to court and sue you for everything you've got. I'm done playing nice with you. Marlana hasn't done shit to you. Your issue is with me and with me only so the next time you want to pull something like this, think twice." He says and security walks in to escort her out and I sit down, trying to calm down. 

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