Please Ask Questions

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Twilight: Hey guys! We're all exc-
*gets kicked and slams a few feet away* WAH!

Orcid: I thought you can read Twilight? It obviously says " Ask Villains ", and your not a viiiillllliiiiiaaaan~

Queen: she's suppose to be smart yet she didn't realize that this was for us?

Discord: stupid ponies!

Queen: what's wrong with ponies?!

Discord: now now Chrsy, I said ponies not changelings.

Sombra: bleh! There both weird!
*queen attacks him* AHHH! IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!

Orcid:.....just ask us a question please..
*slams into Orcid* I'm going to beat both of your flanks if you don't stop right now!!! *hits into her again* THATS IT!!! *jumps in there fight with claws unsheathed*

Ask the Villains of  Equestria (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now