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Y/n pov

I woke up the sunlight hitting my eyes when a voice spoke out.

???: I have failed...this is.....unfortunate.

Y/n: Unfortunate what do you mean?

???: Be quiet!

I jumped up out of bed and looked around trying to find who spoke but to no results. I let out a sigh before I got up looking down.

Y/n: I guess my mind is playing tricks on me. 

I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I saw that the rooms were empty which filled me with sadness. Even  as the police report on my families death I still just couldn't believe it. I wanted to believe that it was all just a bad dream. I wanted my denial to be true so bad but I had to accept it. They were dead and nothing was going to change that. While I made my breakfast I heard a knock on my door then went to open it. Deciding to check who it was I opened it to see my friend Murano standing there.

 Deciding to check who it was I opened it to see my friend Murano standing there

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Murano: Y/n...

Y/n: Hey Murano is what can I do for you?

Murano: I..I heard about what happened. To your family I mean and I-

Y/n: Why don't you come inside and then we can talk about it? I was in the middle of making breakfast and I think having some company can help.

Murano came in then I closed the door and finished cooking. We were silent the whole time but then again what was there to say? What kind of words could help tend to the wounds of someone's heart? After I was done we began to eat before Murano spoke.

Murano: I know it must hurt alot Y/n and i'm so sorry that it happened to you. Your family were great people who didn't deserve what happened to them. If you ever me I will always be there for you.

Y/n: I know and i'm grateful for that Murano. You always were there for Shinichi and me when we needed it.  

Murano looked at me with sadness in her eyes before I chuckles as a tear fell from my face.

Y/n: He liked you, you know that right? Shinichi would say things about how kind and beautiful you were.  I used to tease him about it but I guess in the end he never got the chance to tell you.

Murano began to shake before she pulled me into a hug and cried as I did the same.

time skip 

3rd person pov

After school ended Y/n had went to funeral alongside Murano,Touka, and Rize. Y/n had said nothing  only trying to let the comforting words from the others help ease his pain. When it came time to leave Y/n was  stopped by Rize.

Rize: Y/n do you want me to stay the night with you? I don't like seeing you feeling lonely so if I can do anything please let me help you.

Y/n:*Smiles weakly* I'm sorry Rize but right now I just need sometime alone. I love you for trying but right now I need to find out what I need to do myself.  

Rize looked at Y/n as he walked away with a look on concern on her face. Touka walked towards her and spoke with irritation in her voice.

Touka: You've got some balls doing this to him.

Rize: What are you talking about Touka?

Touka: Don't play dumb with me you damn Gourmet.  I don't give a shit if you play with your food but, I'll kill you if you keep  fucking with Y/n. Do yourself a favor and keep away from him got it?

Rize: Touka I swear to you I don't want to eat Y/n. I'll admit that at during the beginning I wanted to. While time pasted he changed how I felt, I began to care about him that's the whole reason i'm here. I want to help heal his heart Touka and I mean it.

Touka:  I swear if you so much scratch him I'll kill you got it?!

(With Y/n)

Y//n walked home while on the way he noticed a little girl go past him. The girl walked onto the street when Y/n noticed a car speeding towards her.


Y/n ran infront of the girl as his instinctively  moved Y/n braced himself for the impact when the car crashed into something. Y/n looked in shock as the front of the car was smashed with, his changed hand as the cause.

Y/n:(Mind) What in the hell is going on to my hand?!

Y/n  moved back before he ran home as fast as he could. Y/n quickly went inside and locked the door. Y/n grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran up to his room. Y/n laid his right hand down and raised the knife up to stab it.

Y/n: I don't know what the fuck you are but I'm not letting you stay inside me.

Y/n looked in horror as his right hand began to change into a grotesque creature.

Y/n looked in horror as his right hand began to change into a grotesque creature

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???: unfortunate.

Y/n: What in the hell.....What  did you do to my hand?

???: Your hand...i've's gone.

Y/n looked in disbelief and laughed before quickly trying to stab it. Before the blade could hit the creature it morphed Y/n's right fingers into hands and ripped the blade off tossing it at the ceiling.

 Before the blade could hit the creature it morphed Y/n's right fingers into hands and ripped the blade off tossing it at the ceiling

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Y/n: What in the hell are you?

???: I'm too tired, I sleep now.

Y/n watched as the creature turned back into his hand as he tried to get answers from it. Y/n sat down on his bed trying to process what just happened. Y/n had no words  the only thing he could react with was one simple thought.


??? pov

So another one of my kind is nearby. How strange they fell weak. They must have failed I must try and take their host's body for my own.

To be continued

What it means to be human (Tokyo Ghoul harem x Parasyte male reader)Where stories live. Discover now