Chapter 10

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You leave Rex with Cody and head outside of the palace to talk to Anakin, you want to know what's going on. You hope that the council's Intel is wrong, and Grievous isn't here.

You get out there and find Obi Wan and Anakin talking together, only a few of the 501st and 212th soldiers are standing around. The rest must be on patrol and protecting the queen.

"Miss y/n, it's good to see you again. I heard that Rex had a full moon." You can hear the worry in Obi Wan's voice when he talks about the full moon.

"Yeah, he was in a lot of pain last night, and he's still transformed and in pain today. Cody's with him right now." Obi Wan nods, happy to hear that Cody finally knows. He hated lying to his Commander, he's upset that Rex already got caught in a full moon, but he can't avoid them forever.

"Well, tell him I hope that he feels better."

"I will, did you learn anything else from the journal." Obi Wan strokes his beard in thought.

"Yes actually, I found out a few more things about Rex's... Condition. I found out that it's good for Rex to transform into a werewolf regularly, but the journal didn't exactly have an explanation for it. Supposedly Jak would get sick if he went to.long without transforming." You nod, taking a mental note to have Rex transform regularly. You know that you might have to stop him from holding his transformation back.

"I also found out that werewolves tend to also transform when they're comfortable or with someone they're comfortable with. It's like an instinct, and they get very, very protective of anyone they deem as their mate. Which means you y/n." You try to take  this new information in, you can't believe that Rex might seem you his mate. That's... Interesting to say the least.

"Is that all? Have you finished the journal yet?" Obi Wan nods his head.

"Yes, I'm afraid that there wasn't as much information as I'd hoped in it, most of it was about what happened before the the mission and a few things during and after. I'm hoping that if I search the archives I might find another journal." You sigh, you'd hoped that you would find out more about werewolves to help Rex.

"Thanks Obi Wan, you've been a lot of help during all this." Obi Wan smile's.

"Of course my dear, Rex is a friend." Anakin suddenly jumps in, interrupting the two of you.

"Umm, I'm sorry to interrupt. But you might be forgetting that Grievous is here, if he finds out about Rex, he'll come and try to take him to the Separatists." You feel a spark of fear in your chest, you can't imagine what kind of horrible science experiment's the Separatists would do on Rex.

"You're right Anakin, Cody and y/n can stay with Rex in the palace while we hunt down Grievous."

"Are you sure about this? Shouldn't we have more clones for protection?" Obi Wan shakes his head.

"No, Grievous will have more of a reason to come here if he thinks we are protecting something. It's a better idea to bring as little attention to yourselves as you can." You nod, Obi Wan's right, Rex will be safer with just you and Cody, while everyone else hunts down Grievous.

"Y/n, you head back to Rex and Cody." You nod to Anakin, walking back into the palace. You hope that Grievous doesn't come here, because you swear to the force that you will fight him if he tries to even lay a finger on Rex.

You arrive back at the room and open the door to the most adorable sight, Cody is sitting on the edge of the bed while Rex has his head in his lap as Cody softly pets the top of his head.

Rex is still tense in pain but not as much as before, thankfully. It looks hilarious with how big Rex is, he's taking up a big chunk of the bed. He's curled up with his tail wrapped around his legs, it's so adorable

You walk over and pet Rex's arm, and he sighs. You rub your fingers through his soft, blond fur. Cody looks up at you.

"So what's happening, does General Kenobi need me." You shake your head, telling Cody the plan. He is not happy.

"He's leaving us alone here, with no protection. What if Grievous comes for Rex, we can't stop him alone."

"You're right Cody, we can't stop him alone, but Obi Wan's right. If we don't draw attention to the palace, than he has no reason to come here." Cody sighs and nods in agreement, not having backup is still making him nervous though. If the Separatists ever got a hold of Rex, who knows what they would do to his vod'ika.

"I should be out there helping." You look at Rex as he sits up, groaning in pain. He stands up and tries to leave but Cody grabs him, not believing how tall his vod'ika actually is.

"Don't you dare try to leave this room, Rex'ika. You are in no condition to be on the frontline's, understand!" Rex grumbles under his breath, clearly not at all pleased to be stopped. You can tell that he's fighting off the pain so that he can stand.

"The 501st needs me, I can help." You're done with it now so you walk over and stand on the tips of your toes. Grabbing Rex's head and pulling him into a crouch so that you two are face to face.

"No you can't, Rex. For one you are pain, I can see how tense you're from it. For two you can't transform to human right now, if Grievous sees you like this, he will take you to the Separatists and experiment on you and I swear to the force that I will not let that happen." You've got a few tears in your eyes now, you're do angry at Rex for trying to leave. And you're so scared of what the Separatists could do to him.

"Please don't cry cyare, you know that I hate to see you cry. I'm sorry." Rex hates it when you cry, especially when it's him who's the cause. Cody's just standing back, watching the altercation.

"Just promise me that you won't try to leave, ok." Rex nods, and pushes his forehead against yours. He really wants to be out there helping his brothers, but he'll listen to you. You're right anyway, he's in no condition to help. At all.

Rex lays back in bed, and you wipe the tears out of your eyes. You have no idea what to do, you look over at Cody. He's standing beside the bed and petting Rex's head again.

You walk over and sit in a chair beside it, you hope that the 501st and 212th are successful in getting Grievous.

"So, we just wait here for them to get back." You and Cody both nod at Rex, you're so thankful that he's not trying to go out and help anymore. It's sweet that he wants to help his brothers even when he's in pain, but you will not let him get captured by Grievous for doing something stupid.

You walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of it, grabbing Rex's hand. He sits up and pulls you into a hug, and you reached up and kiss the top of his snout. Cody's still petting his arm and you just sit on the bed with him, letting him cuddle into you.

You can't believe that he's so cuddly, he's never this cuddly. You're just sitting there when your comm goes off, and so does Cody and Rex's. You feel a spark of fear, why would all your comms be going off. Something's wrong.

Fear of the Unknown (Rex x reader) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now