Chapter 16

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You wake up to light blinding you, after blinking your eyes a few times you can finally see clearly. You look down at your chest to see it wrapped in bandages, you look around to see that you're in the medbay on the Coruscant base.

Kix comes walking in, smiling in relief when he notices that you're awake.

"Y/n! You're finally awake." You look at him confused.

"What happened?" You ask and wince at the rough and scratchy sound of your voice. It sounds as if you have a cold, Kix frowns.

"You don't remember." It suddenly all comes back to you, going on patrol, the bomb. And Rex transforming and going feral.

"Is Rex and the others okay!" You ask loudly, you don't remember seeing what happened to the others.

"Don't worry, they're all fine. Fives, Dogma and Jesse were injured but are already healing and Stutter was far enough away that he got away with a few scratches. Rex's Werewolf form left him with only a few bruises." You sigh in relief, glad that they're all okay.

"We were more worried about you, you've been out for about two weeks." Your eyes widen at that.

"Two weeks! How have I been out for two weeks?"

"Well, your injuries were extensive. It was to dangerous to put you in a bacta tank with the extent of your injuries, so you had to heal the old fashioned way." You nod, you can't believe that you've been asleep for two weeks. But you have on other question for Kix.

"Where's Rex? It's weird for him not to be here worrying his head off." You're worried, he worries about you regularly but now that you're hurt her not here, that's not like him. Kix looks at you nervously and sighs.

"When the bomb went off Rex transformed, he went feral. He gained control a little when you spoke to him but lost it when you passed out." What! Is he okay?

"What happened!" You're starting to hyperventilate, feeling a sharp pain in your chest, you're so scared. Kix comes and grabs your shoulder's.

"He's fine! Don't worry he's fine." You calm down and can finally get your breathing back under control. You're still worried.

"He ended up calming down and coming back to himself once General Skywalker and I got there to help you. He's mostly back to his usual self." You still don't understand why he isn't with you, all you want right now is Rex.

"Then where is he? Why isn't he in here?"

"He isn't here because he's still a werewolf. They won't let him in the medbay." What? That can't be right.

"You mean he turned into a werewolf again?" Kix shakes his head.

"No, he never turned human again. He hasn't been human in two weeks, I think that it's because he was scared since you were hurt." You can't believe that Rex hasn't transformed in two weeks, that can't be good for him. You're starting to feel an even worse pain in your chest.

"Kix, my chest is starting to hurt. I want Rex."  Kix sighs.

"You're painkillers are wearing off, but I can't give you more for a few hours. I'm sorry y/n, but not even General Skywalker can get the heads of the medbay to allow him in." You growl, the pain is getting worse and all you want is your boyfriend. You don't care if he can't transform.

"I don't care, I just want Rex. Please Kix." You're starting to tear up a little, ready to cry. Kix sighs.

"I'll be right back, another medic will be in to check on you." You nod as Kix leaves, and you stiffle a sob. You hate being so weak, your wound must be bad if you're in this much pain after two weeks.

Fear of the Unknown (Rex x reader) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now