- Chapter 2 -

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"Excuse me miss?" A male voice spoke taking me out of my trance from my phone. I looked up and saw Luke standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Yes?" I said locking my phone and setting it down on the cold bench. He sat down next to me.

"I am guessing that your Natalie Wright right?" He spoke sweetly. I nodded.

"Well I'm Luke Alexander and my mother told me to come and get you." Luke stood up pulling me with him. "Follow me and I'll take you to your new house." He pulled my arm and walked off. I grabbed my phone and walked with him. He walked to a black convertable lamborghini, my mouth gaped open when he unlocked it and got in. He nodded for me to follow him and I got in the car.

"Nice car Luke." i said pulling the seatbelt over my head. He chuckled and drove off.


"hey were here." Luke shook my shoulder waking me up at the front gate. He spoke to the intercom and the gates opened. Luke pulled the car up to the house and parked it in front of the door. I steped out and my mouth fell open, this house or mansion, was huge like at least 4 floors with a pool on the top and a huge grand front door.

Mary ran out of the house and pulled me in to a hug.She smelled really nice and she was more beautiful in person then on the picture. She released me and pulled me inside without saying a word.

"This is the kitchen....." She went to the intercom and called all the boys to eat. i heard them al trample down the stairs to the kitchen "Boys this is Natalie, she is going to stay with us for a while." I blushed at her words and nodded my head.

"Hi." i waved a small wave and smiled.

"This is Suzan, our nanny, and this is Pattie, our house keeper." Mary said introducing us. I smiled agin.

"Bryce, show Natalie around the house please if you will." She turned to me. "Hun im sorry but i have some work i have to do, im very bussy lately, im very sorry." Mary said and walked away leaving me with Bryce while the rest of the boys talked and argued in the living room.

"Shall we?" Bryce beaconed for me to follow him and i did. He showed me the living room with the boys and Suzan trying to calm them down. I laughed and followed Bryce to the next room which was the dinning room. It was beatiful. it had a dark brown table with matching chairs. Bryce took me to the elavator and we went up to floor 3. He walked to a room and stood in front of the closed door.

"This is my room yours is right there." He pointed acroos the hallway and i walked in to my room. It as huge, with a king sized corner bed and a couch, the color schem was all a tourquoise kind-of color with a light brown and off white. There was 5 doors leading off from the room. I walked to the fist door opening is, it was my OWN bathrom!! I was so happy i didnt have to share. I walked back out and opend the double doors, there wa a massive closet already filled with clothes. I walked to the last door and opened it, it opened to a balcony of my own.

I decided to change out of my clothes i had on and pulled on a over sized grey sweater with black leggins and threw my hiar in a top knot. I walked out to the kitchen and Pattie was sitting there reaing a magazine.

"Hey hun, want some food?" She asked looking up from her magazine. I noded and walked off to start cooking something. "What do you want?"

"Uh pancakes?" i said sitting down at the island. She nodded and set off to cook.

My friend Anna called me.

"Hey!" i answered very happily.

"hey hows it going in the new house?" She said sounding a ittle sad?

"Prety good actually there are 9 boys! All kinda cute actually." i giggled and looked around making sure no one heard that. I saw Pattie chuckle.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Nat is gunna have a boyfriend she lives with!" she sang happily.

I shook my head. "Well, no but im gunna have to go my pancakes just got done so bye love you Anna!" i said and hung up and ate my panakes Pattie made just for me.

I could get used to this......


So guys what did you think?

Teaser- Natalie has school with all sorts of people who dont like her that much. And Noah has a huge fight with his girlfriend! Plus Bryce has a argument with his mother, Mary

Living with the Alexander BoysWhere stories live. Discover now