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M/n pushed b/n out the way and looked at his phone and saw corpse did join

" Jesus Christ what the fuck are you a football player now" b/n glared as he rubbed his arm as the chat started to put laugh Emojis

" I'm sorry and stop cursing" m/n rolled his eyes " who's corpse husband they seem so cool is he another youtuber is he your friend" b/n looked in the chat as he saw corpse respond " oh my god he responded" b/n squealed " I'm m/n boyfriend who are you?" B/n read out loud as he punches m/n in the arm " Jesus why did you do that" m/n pouted " you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend you sly dog" m/n stared at the boy confused " I don't have a boyfriend"

" that's not what corpse said look" b/n scrolled back up to corpse's comment and pinned it

" sorry corpse don't mind my crazy little brother he takes things to an extreme" m/n chuckled

B/n started to answer questions like he's been doing this for years " no I don't have a YouTube channel I have to ask m/n can I have one m/n" b/n gave him pleading eyes " I'll think about" m/n said as he shook his head grinning softly

B/n got up as he ran into the kitchen with the phone " m/n do you have my candy" b/n propped the phone up as he looked as he started to toss pot's and pan's m/n got up and went to the kitchen smiling " your never gonna find it and plus every time I you get that candy you go in a sugar coma and I'm not trying to have a heart attack again because I thought you died"

" hey I didn't die I was just passed out their two different things duh" b/n rolled his eyes " don't duh me Dino boy" m/n chuckled " and that's coming from someone who's literally wearing a maid outfit" B/n crossed his arms

" don't make me expose you again" b/n smirked " you don't have anything on me" m/n also crossed his arms

" GUYS M/N NEVER HAD hIS FIRST KiSs" b/n yelled out as m/n stared at him in shock b/n grabbed the phone and started to run as he knew he was gonna die " guys I'm gonna die he's gonna he kill me" b/n laughed

" where are you b/n" m/n huffed looking for the boy m/n heard noises come from the closet so he opened it and and saw b/n was hiding he grabbed b/n by his feet dragging him on the hard wood floor as he laughed enjoying the cold sensation going down his back as he was being dragged

The phone fell as everything went black for the viewers it went quiet for a few moments until 3 million people heard a high pitch scream and laughter " guys help he's a-ahhhush mejdkdjdjsju" b/n had tears in his eyes as m/n was tickling him to death " please m/n I'm gonna die" b/n laughed hysterically

M/n stopped as he saw b/n had tears in his eyes which started to stream down his face and drool coming from the others mouth from laughing so hard the poor boy was even clutching his stomach

M/n picked up the phone as everyone was asking what the hell happened m/n giggled as he turned his phone around and showed b/n on the floor " guys he's not dead I just tickled him he's very ticklish" he laughed

B/n sat up quickly as he held his stomach and put his hand over his mouth " you okay b/n" m/n asked concerned his face looked very pale

" m/n I'm gonna-mughsbsg" b/n gagged as he ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet " guys I'm sorry Were Gonna have to go b/n is sick I'll update you later" m/n quickly ended the live stream and saw b/n throwing up in the toilet

M/n felt sad as he knew it was his fault m/n ran and got him a Ginger ale and a towel finally after 5 minutes b/n stopped throwing up he gave it to him

B/n sighed as he leaned his head on m/n shoulder " ugh I'm sorry b/n" m/n apologized giving b/n belly rubs which always helped belly aches when he was younger

" it's okay m/n I'm glad your here and helped me that's all that matters" b/n said weakly

" I love you m/n"

" I love you more b/n now let's get you to bed and brush your teeth" m/n giggled and so did b/n

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