Chapter Four: Escape the City of Fenrir (Part 2)

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Eyes overlooked the damaged structure, partly in disbelief this amount of damage could ever be created and partly on suspicion as there seems to be no whiteness to account for this, "What in the divine goddess happened here?"

"T-This appears to be an explosion, sir!" A rookie voice spoke up about, saluting a little as well as holding an umbrella up; it started raining again, much to everyone's delight, "A... Really big explosion..."

"Do we have any casualties?"

"No, sir, we don't have any casualties reported... The owner of the house, however, appears to be missing..."

The officer grunted out in annoyance, "Shit... File a missing person report, unless we find a body. This needs to go on record!"


Leone stood out in front of the inn, rain pouring down once more; as much as he disliked vast amounts of water, he will have to put up with the constant flooding of rain that seems to never want to end, "Tsk, what the hell am I doing here for?"

He pulled out his phone and brought up the holographic screen, scrolling through his contacts until he found the one he needed. He hit that contact as it dialed the number, holding it up to his ear, "C'mon... I swear you better pick the damn phone up."


Leone smirked a bit as he began to walk towards the shopping district, tail tucked away from prying eyes, "Hey, Keivan, I'm calling in my favor... About that small air ship you have."

Back to Atlas

Atlas tossed a little in her sleep, an uneasy frown form on her lips as her eyebrows scrunched up in displeasure; she didn't like this dream, it was cold and disturbing yet she couldn't do a thing to change it

Leone... R-Run away!

Atlas woke up with a small cry, her medium length cinnamon color hair tussled in a messy heap as her eyes shown panic. That dream terrified her, this deep connection to Leone made her heart hurt so bad; he looked so beaten and broken it made her want to cry, yet he kept on fighting like it was nothing. Atlas curled up in bed, silently whimpering to herself as thunder boomed outside; the rain usually calmed her down but it wasn't working.

Her stomach growled, she pouted and realized it was the afternoon already and she should eat some lunch. Atlas shifted out of bed, putting the locket around her neck like a necklace and tucked it into her shirt. Despite being in her pajamas still, it's important to eat if you're going to stay strong.

"Sorry Leone, I've got to eat..." Atlas thought as she carefully left the room, slowly walking down the stairs to the main level. The old woman wasn't at the reception desk, which was a little odd yet Atlas didn't think about it. The small dinning area had a few people there, nothing major like celebrities but just a tiny amount.

Atlas sat herself down at a table, keeping quiet to herself until she went to make herself a small plate of food. It wasn't anything grand, just a few chocolate chip cookies and mini muffins as well as a nice glass of apple juice. Atlas was content on eating alone, though there was this nagging feeling behind her that was slowly approaching from behind, "Hey good looking, sitting here by yourself?"

A man sat down in front of her, a bad vibe rolled off of him in strong force; Atlas wasn't able to figure out how she knew this but it was her gut instinct to get away from him. He took one of her cookies and ate it, making her frown, "Now now, don't be like that baby girl, I just want to talk~"

"What do you want." Atlas asked with a straight voice, slightly annoyed at the fact he intrude on her eating, "Listen-"

"Go on a date with me, just around town!" The guy proposed to Atlas; she was taken aback by that proposal but quietly denied, still feeling uneasy about him.

She blinked and felt two guys sit next to her, he grinned once again at her and Atlas knew she was in trouble. The man spoke again, this time it was a proposal but a demand, "Now will you go on this date with me? I'll make sure you have a great time~"

"Dude, she said no..." Leone huffed as he leaned up along the wall, eyes closed as to make sure no one sees his endless annoyance towards them, "Don't you even bother asking to see if she was taken?"

Taken...? Atlas thought before her cheeks went red, she finished her apple juice fast as to calm her burning cheeks. Leone cracked open his eyes to give a warning glare as Atlas was distracted by her juice; the men flinched as Leone came over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, missing him purr softly at the fact he made--

What am I doing?! I need to act professional...

The men eventually moved away from Atlas as she fibished her juice. Leone placed a bag in front of her on the table, she blinked and looked around the bag; he sat across from her and didnt look, a small bit of pink dusted his cheeks. Atlas eventually looked inside the bag, finding an outfit there that was unlike any other; There was a lime-green camisol in there along with a deep brown jacket. The jacket bore what looks like to be the zodiac sign for Leo on the breast plate, thought Atlas wasn't entirely sure. Next wore some black multi-pocket capris, she liked how the pocket flaps were the same green as her shirt, "Leone, this... This is wonderful!"

"I'm glad you like it..." Leone mumbled before standing up again, Atlas put the said items back inside the bag and took it with her, "C'mon, you're going to get changed..."

She followed without a fuss back up to the room, all to changed in the bathroom.

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