Tri-wizard tournament ( year four )

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Camilla's POV
Summer has been so much fun me and Draco have been to the beach  and we've been in the garden and the library Draco says that I could've been in ravenclaw but today Mr and Mrs. Malfoy is taking us to the quittach World Cup I was so excited Krum was going to be there he is my favorite quittach player Draco was jealous " would you stop talking about him I'm way better and handsome than him  " he hissed as he grabbed my arm I was wearing an expensive outfit that Mrs. Malfoy gave me

That's when someone ran into my arms it was Harry I began to softly cry " Harry" I yelled " Camilla I missed you so much " he said " me too Harry how have you been" " very good  are you here to watch the game " " Yes it was very kind of Mr and Mrs...

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That's when someone ran into my arms it was Harry I began to softly cry " Harry" I yelled " Camilla I missed you so much " he said " me too Harry how have you been" " very good  are you here to watch the game " " Yes it was very kind of Mr and Mrs Malfoy to bring me here " I said  Harry looked at Draco's parents " we are in the minister box  we were invited by corneal us fudge himself " Draco yelled as he pulled me in closer   I waved goodbye to Harry " come on kitten let's go sit down" I smiled softly  as we sat down Draco was all over me " Dray stop it " I hissed  " I'm just claiming what's mine "  he whispered the game started  and I cheered loudly I noticed Draco he was angry " Baby what's wrong " I asked " you don't think Krum's handsome do you" he asked " Hell no dray you don't have to be jealous of him your the only boy I love " I said as I kissed his lips  he smiled and hugged me " Mine" he hissed " Mine" I hissed he chuckled " Draco take Camilla home right now !" Mr. Malfoy yelled " Yes father" he said we used floo powder " Draco what's going on your father seemed Sirius " I mumbled " don't worry it's going to be okay" he said as he pulled me into his chest " what about Harry and Hermione and Ron and Ginny and there family" I said " relax kitten there going to be okay" he said " Draco I'm scared " I mumbled he kissed my forehead " Kitten let's go to bed we've have a long day" he said " Draco do you even care that I'm scared !!" I yelled getting away from him " I do care " Draco yelled back " Well your not acting like it " I yelled back I ran into the guest room and shut the door " Babe don't do this .. " Draco yelled as he tried to open the door " Just let me sleep alone " " I don't want to be alone Camilla Potter " he hissed as he flung the door open he stared at me with tears in his eyes " Draco I told you" he then leaned in and kissed me " I'm sorry baby" he whispered I looked away and he started to suck on my neck I moaned " Draco..." I moaned out " let's not fight angel I'm sorry I should of cared more I'm sorry " he said I stroked his hair " it's okay dray" he smile and he began to take off my shirt " Draco" " I won't go to far my kitten " he moaned " fine fine " I said he smirked and began to suck on my breasts
" all mine" he hissed " my prince " I whispered soon we ended up cuddling and I fell asleep

(A couple weeks later)
Me and Draco got ready for the new year at Hogwarts " baby can you wear my hoodie " as he handed me a black hoodie " yes Babe" I mumbled he smiled as I put it on " Bye Mr. and Mrs Malfoy thank you for letting me stay in your manor " I said Mrs . Malfoy hugged me " anytime my dear " she said I smiled and we got on the train " let's go find Harry and Friends " I mumbled " why Harry baby why can't we find an alone place you know" he said as he smacked my butt " No dray .. we can't my brother is here " " fuck your brother " he hissed " Draco Malfoy don't say that" I yelled he chuckled " Sorry baby " he said we got into the compartment " How are you Camilla " Hermione asked " Good I'm good" I said Harry sat next to me .. " how was your summer Camilla " Harry asked " Good" Draco smiled " Draco's mom taught me how to sew " I said " that's cool" Hermione said soon we got to Hogwarts " Draco .. I'm cold " I mumbled he wrapped his arms around me .. suddenly Dumbledore started to speak and I heard Draco growling " baby.. what's wrong " I whispered " smith is looking at you" he growled as he pulled me next to him closer I kissed him suddenly Dumbledore yelled " Hogwarts has been chosen to host the triwizard tournament it bring three schools for magical contents from each school a single student is selected let me be clear if you get chosen you stand alone these contests are not for the faint of heart but more of that later but let me welcome the lovely ladies of beubux " he said suddenly a group of ladies in blue came in they were beautiful more beautiful than me I looked to see if Draco was staring at anyone but he was just staring at me " what ?" I mumbled " I'm just admiring" he said I giggled 
Draco's POV
" and the boys from the north from dumstrang"  Dumbledore said I then saw Krum I growled and looked if Camilla was staring at anyone but no she was just staring at me " what?" I mumbled " just admiring "  she said as she flipped opened a book I smiled and hugged her " good girl " I purred she blushed suddenly Dumbledore started to speak again " just a reminder students if you aren't above the age of 17 you can't put your name on the goblet of fire " that's rubbish " the Weasley twins yelled " your not doing it I won't let you die " I hissed " Draco I would never do it " she mumbled as She kissed my cheek i smiled suddenly Smith walked up to us " Hey Camilla " he said I started to his like a cat " What do you need Smith " She mumbled " I was wondering if you wanted to study with me I heard this year is going to be tough" he said " she doesn't want to study with you " I snapped as I stood up " but.. I wanted to be friends" I cut him off " yeah and your going to make my beautiful Princess cheat on me and I can't have that because she is mine" I yelled everyone looked at us
Camilla's POV
Harry came over " what's going on" he said " Make Smith leave Harry he is making Draco angry " I said Harry growled " you leave my sister and her boyfriend alone Smith " " but don't you know that Malfoy is evil he will give camilla to Voldemort " he said " no he won't I trust Draco" Harry said as he walked away I smiled Harry was nice to Draco Draco grabbed onto my arm " let's go to our dorms Kitten"

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