I was wrong part 2

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~Boom boi pov~

The rest of the day went along confused. Father was being nice to me! He hasn't been nice since mom left... I don't trust it but I feel like he's actually starting to realize that what he's been doing is wrong.

~time skip to school~

I was still in pain from yesterday when father's friends were there, but I managed. I was walking to school and I fell down on the way up a small hill on the sidewalk. 'ngh! O-ow. It's okay just get up and walk it off. You're fine' I thought to myself as I got up with a slight pained expression on my face. I was spaced out most of the way there thinking about Father. Before I knew it I was at the gates of U.A. I put up my mask of anger and hatred and walked slowly to class, being a bit wobbly on the way up the stairs. I make it to class last and I know that if Father finds out I'll definitely pay for it later. "Bakugou, your late." Mr.Aizawa says with a blank yet scary facial expression reminding me of the face 'they' made before they--...

~Aizawa pov~
I was in the middle of the lesson when the doors opens and in walks in the explosive teen with ash blonde hair and Ruby red eyes. "Bakugou, your late." I said with a bit of anger lacing my blank face. I don't believe what I see next... 'is that...fear in his eyes?'
I look closer and see a hint of absolute fear in Bakugou's eyes. But he suddenly clears his throat and speaks up. "Tch. Whatever, not like I wanna be here anyways." I let it slide as he walks back to his seat and I continue the daily lesson.
"So as you know, as heros. You will end up facing a few cases involving some type of abuse. Whether it be mental, physical, sexual, etc. But as future heros you need to know proper ways to deal with this situation when the time comes to face it." Some students became determined to learn more but two students had an unexpected reaction. Todoroki and Bakugou. Todoroki had a hateful and almost pained look on his face, almost as if he's experienced this. But Bakugou's expression was the most surprising. His face was full of genuine fear.

~Bakuboi POV~
No no no no no!!! This can't be happening to me right now! What if Father finds out? Will his friends come back? Please just stop it!! I hear the lesson topic and my face fills with fear and my breathing quickens. I need to stop this, I can't have an attack right now. Not here.  I try my best to calm down but nothing is working.

"You filthy slut!! Your gonna regret that. I'll fuck you till you can't remember anything but my cock!!"
I start to shake and all that I can see I think of are all of the times that Father let his friends 'play' with me. I tear up and I hear faint footsteps coming my direction.

~Deku POV~
I follow Aizawa-sensei's eyes to see kacchan with absolute fear on his face and he's breathing heavy and shaking violently. I get up and walk over to him but when I reach out to tap his shoulder he freaks out and falls out of his chair. "N-NO!!! STAY AWA-WAY!!! PLEASE NOT AGAIN!!! I-I-I'LL BE GOOD I P-PR-PROMISE!!" he's shaking so bad and freaking out with his arms over his head like I would...hit him? Why would kacchan think I'd hit him?  I reach down for him and he flinches hard and backs into the wall beneath the window next to our seats. "PLEASE!! ILL BE GOOD!! BEAT ME SENSELESS BUT PLEASE!! NOT AGAIN, ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!" He's looking at me with so much fear and tears in his eyes I don't know what to do.
"Aizawa-sensei!!! Help kacchan!!!" I scream as he breaks out of his trance of surprise and rushes over to kacchan's side to help but what happened next was unexpected....


Then silence...

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