Pleasure in the Pain

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~Bakugou pov~
I am so so so relieved that Father had his boss's visit this week. I'll finally get to live in the life of a day as a normal teen, I bet I can even get some sleep tonight! I have like three more stairs to climb but I hear shuffling in my room which is right next to the staircase. I listen on the other side of my door I hear a small whisper, "Shhhhhh! If you don't shut your loud ass fucking mouth the kid might hear us!!!"  I freeze in my tracks. 'I know that voice... But I can't remember who they are...?' they continue their little whisper argument and I rush to the bathroom down the hall being as quick and quiet as possible, I see my reflection in the mirror and I'm as pale as a ghost there is no color left on my face. 'Think Katsuki think! O-oh how about I go tell father that I'm going to Kirishima's to study? Yeah! They can't rape me if I never go in there.' my mind is made up and I make my way back downstairs still seeing Mr.Golzine talking to father about business. I rush over to the door but a booming voice stops me in my tracks like a deer in headlights. "Oh Katsuki, where are you headed?" I turn and look at father I see the anger in his eyes. "U-uhm I was j-j-just heading to K-kirishima's place to study s-si-sir." I'm trembling in my shoes scared that he won't care that he has a guest over and punish me anyway. I'm cut out if my train of thought when my dad speaks up."I'm sorry son but you have to reschedule. There is a recent spike in crime in the area by the Kirishima residence. I apologise but you can't go out tonight. Now I have to finish up with Mr.Golzine here,  go to your room." It may sound sweet but his eyes are saying 'go to your room you little shit before I make your punishment so much fucking worse!' I nod knowing that like always his meeting will rin long and his boss will be here for awhile. I brace myself for what's it come from when I step behind this door to my worst nightmare...

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