Liam Payne Imagine - PART 1

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It was a cold December night and you were walking home from your job at the local pub. You couldn't wait to go home and see your boyfriend. You felt your pocket vibrateand you fished out your iPhone 5, signalling a text. It was from your boyfriend! You smiled to yourself until you actually read the message. 

-We need to talk

Your heart dropped and your pace quickened, almost running to his house. You had a bad feeling about this, and you hoped it would be good news. You arrived at your boyfriends house, knocking on the door quietly. The door opened and revealed a sad-looking boyfriend, who led you inside to the very familiar dining room. 

"Y/N I have something to tell you." You looked at him with confused eyes. 

"I cheated on you..." You were horror struck, thinking that this was a joke. He shook his head sadly, getting up.

"You probably hate me, which you should, but i am truly sorry, Y/N." All you could do was stare in shock. Your hands shook and you leaped off of the couch, running to the front and out the door. You could hear him calling after you into the night, but you continued to run. You ran for about 15 minutes straight until you ended up in front of a very familiar house. You knocked loudly on the door before collapsing in the snow at the doorstep. You panted for breath, you were freezing cold and extremely tired, frozen tears running down your cheek. The door opened and there was a sharp intake of breath. You felt strong arms wrap around you, carrying your frozen body inside. A deep, British voice cursed as he set you down in front of the fireplace. You looked up and tried to smile, but you were too tired. Your best friend, Harry Styles, was trying to find something to make you warm again.

"Shh...Y/N. Just stay warm and sleep. We'll talk in the morning." You barely nodded before you passed out. 


omg guys im extremely sorry for the wait. ive been super busy if you didn't read my message before. i'll get part 2 up as soon as i can!


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