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I am a parasite. I may be small but I can definitely kill you. I lurk around, possessing things, finding ways to take advantage of you. You look down on me as a weakling, look who's gonna die now.

I am earth's best friend. I make sure your soil is loose so your plants can breathe. I help decompose dead organisms and bring them back to the cycle.

I am your 3 in the morning thoughts. Wriggling though your brain as if you've got nothing to do the following day. I may be a problem to you sometime, but definitely able to stray your mind to peacefulness at crucial times.

I am a worm; you are a worm. Who got nothing to do but crawl.

Sometimes we see ourselves at the rock bottom of our lives. But it is the most important part of the process; It means we can do more.

Crawl while you can. Until the worms crawl into you. Do your best always, little wormy.

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