Getting to Know

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Illumi: *blushes* hi there..

Hisoka: ~how are you?~

Illumi: i'm doing okay, how about yourself?

Hisoka: ~doing better then ever, how is your morning so far?~

Illumi: let's just say it was very eventful and entertaining

Hisoka: ~how so 😏~

Illumi: saw a fight today 😌

Hisoka: (laughs) ~oh you were there when that happened~

Illumi: (giggles) yeah

Hisoka: ~so you saw me beat their asses huh😌~

Illumi: yup i was very impressed not gonna lie, never seen a person take on three people at once and left untouched 😅

Hisoka: ~ welp that's me for you haha~
[sit and stare at each other]

Hisoka: ~ oh silly me I totally forgot to introduce myself, my name is Hisoka Morow, what is your name if i may ask?~
Illumi: *blushes* Illumi... Illumi Zoldyck.

Hisoka: ~ nice, i like your name, it's really pretty just like you 😊~

Illumi: *face turns completely red*

Hisoka: (looks at Illumis face) ~hey are you okay, you're face looks really red, are you sick?~

Illumi: oh no! Its just... im not used to getting called pretty, guys usually don't get called pretty.

Hisoka: (goes silent)

Illumi: are you okay??

Hisoka: ~yeah i just didn't know you were a guy, i thought you were a girl~

Illumi:(goes silent) you thought i was a girl🙃

Hisoka: ~yeah i'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you~

Illumi: no you're fine, i get it, the long silky black hair and my small frame

Hisoka: ~ yeah haha sorry~
[Both go silent and just stare at each other]

Hisoka: ~what other classes do you have?~

Illumi: hmm lets see (pulls out schedule) for 2nd period i have Art class, 3rd i have Health, 4th i have lunch, 5th i have Economics, 6th i have Debate , 7th i have Forensic Science and 8th is English 4. How about you?

Hisoka: (pulls out schedule) ~hmmmm, oh wow~

Illumi: what?

Hisoka: (shows Illumi his schedule) ~we almost have the same schedule:)~

Illumi: (grabs his schedule) this aint almost the same ha but we do have Art , Lunch and Debate together :)

Hisoka: ~this is crazy, i haven't had this happen to me before~

Illumi: (laughs) same
[before the boys can say anything else Mr. Morel starts talking]

Mr. Morel: okay that's enough chit chat everyone, everyone face towards me
[all the students look back at the teacher]

Mr. Morel: okay the bell is gonna ring soon so before that happens i have to discuss plans for tomorrow. rings. So tomorrow we start our lesson on Radicals and how to simplify radicals, please bring your journals since we will be taking notes all day okay?

All: yes sir

Mr Morel: okay , so theres some other things i wanna say really fast. I don't care if you guys bring breakfast into this class, just try not to drop or spill anything please, the janitors work really hard to keep this school clean, we don't need any more mess for them to clean up, you guys are practically adults so you guys can clean up after yourselves. Last but not least please don't talk when i'm talking, big pet peeve of mine, thats all i ask
[bell rings]

Mr. Morel : okay you guys are dismissed see you tomorrow

All: (gets up and walks out the door)

Hisoka: (walks next to Illumi) ~want to walk to class together?~

Illumi: (looks at Hisoka and blushes)
sure i'd like that

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