Chapter 13

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"Thanks for teleporting us to the light dimension, brother!" Said dawnia as she, mr.wolf & dusknia teleported to the light dimension, the dimension of bright light and white clouds. "No prob fam" then a bright light flashed at the gods and wolf in their eyes. "MY EYES!!" Said wolf as his eyes were on fire. (If you get the reference I love you)  "whomst has come forth before me?" Said lightnia. "Mama!" Said dawnia. "Oh my stars! Kids!" Lightnia hugged her two children. "I'm so glad y'all are ok!" Then she notices wolf "is that our new pet?" "Oh no, mama, this is mr.wolf! He's the chosen hero!" "Hero of what...OH NO" "what is it mama, he's not a bad influence or anything." Said dusknia. "No it's not that...YOUR FATHER! HES FREE!" "Motherfucker" said dusknia "language!"

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