07. moving

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JUNE 10TH, 2020

casey and I shared a summer apartment. this summer she needed to go back home. to see her family as this virus gets worse.

i thought about flying to go see my family. but what if I got stuck there and I couldn't come back for fall quarter? what would I do with all of my stuff here? it would cost far too much to ship everything there and back.

that's why I decided to take upon daniel's offer and I would move into his apartment with him. I would help pay rent and I've known I'm for a while. things would be good.

casey had helped drop off the last of my stuff before she went on her drive to arizona to see her family.

"I'm going to miss you casey" I whispered into the tight hug we were sharing

"I'm going to miss you so much too" she replied "I love you and I'll see you fall quarter" she said, pulling away from the hug

"love you too" I replied "now be safe on your drive!" I called out and waved

casey waved back before she started her journey to arizona. I walked back inside greeted with all of my boxes in the living room.

"so we going to get this stuff upstairs?" he suggested, in a question "or will it be the new furniture for the living room" daniel joked, sitting on a large box. wrapping his hands together and putting them behind his head.

and what if I told casey my reasons for staying? and I convinced her to stay and we shared an apartment? what if I went home to see my family? what if I just didn't take daniel's offer or what if I didn't live with him for longer than intended?

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