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"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Yongsun grits her teeth as she makes a sharp turn at a stop sign, the sound of her car tires screeching against the pavement echoing in the empty alleyway. Her body jerks harshly at the sudden change in direction against the seatbelt barely preventing her head from slamming into the car's front windshield, but the underground doctor pays it no mind. "What the fuck is going on?!"

Her hands grip the steering wheel tightly as she turns once more and peels onto a secluded road, her destination finally coming into view. The apartment building appears to be rather dingy solely based on the exterior, but it's location is isolated and unassuming. Perfect as a safehouse for laying low and staying off the grid.

Yongsun reaches over to grab her pistol sitting on the passenger seat of her vehicle, releasing the safety of the gun in case of an ambush and exiting her car as quietly as possible. It's still early in the day, though the roads and sidewalk are all desolate as she makes her way up the stairs and onto the second floor. She takes the time to briefly glance back down at the text on her disposable phone to check for the correct apartment number. Her back is to the wall so she can keep an eye on her surroundings as she approaches her target cautiously, hands steady around the cool grip of her gun. She takes a deep breath, sidling up on one side of the doorway, reaching over to lightly knock against the door twice. She pauses, before knocking once more three times rapidly in succession to let the people behind the door know it's someone to be trusted.

It doesn't take long before she hears the soft sound of the metal chain lock rattle against the door and the click of the deadbolt. She can't help but let out a sigh in relief at the sight of the two before her, clearly frightened but thankfully unharmed. She can't blame their fear considering the circumstances. "Thank god. Do you have your things ready to go?"

Taehyung nods, turning to confirm with his wife who nods as well. "Where's Yoongi hyung?"

Yongsun can't help but reflexively clench her jaw at the question, Yoongi's last words over the phone to her echoing in her mind.

Whatever you do, don't tell the kids until you all are out of the city.

She makes sure to school her expression so as not to give anything away. "Change of plans, he's going to meet up with us later. We need to get out of Seoul, now."

It's clear from the reluctance on his face that the last thing Taehyung wants to do in their current situation is leave his hyung behind, but he complies nonetheless, knowing that he isn't in a position to be making demands considering the circumstances. The couple steps past the doorway and locks the door to the safehouse, before following Yongsun back down the hall and towards where she had parked her car.

Yongsun pauses before she rounds the corner, holding a hand up behind her to signal for Taehyung and Wheein to stop behind her and remain quiet. Her nostrils flare at the ever so subtle scent of car exhaust in the air. The only problem is that the car she drove today was a hybrid, and the scent of this car exhaust is one her car has never released.

Someone else is here.

The hairs on the back of her neck stand up at the realization, and she immediately turns to guide the other two in the opposite direction. "Someone's out there and I'm not taking any chances. Did Yoongi ever say anything about a getaway car near here?"

Taehyung bites his lower lip nervously, about to shake his head. However, he's interrupted when Wheein suddenly reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a set of car keys. "He gave this to me when Taehyung was in the bathroom earlier, said that it might come in handy. I didn't think we'd actually need it..."

"Thank god," Yongsun can't help but let out the breath she had been holding.

This isn't in her usual scope, being in the center of danger like Byulyi is. She's an underground doctor, for fuck's sake, someone who works from the sidelines and deals with the aftermath of situations like these. But with the shocking news of one of Seokjin's car being found in the aftermath of an explosion on the side of the highway outside of Seoul and Yoongi's urgent tone from his call earlier, it's clear that something is happening in the criminal underworld, something serious enough to have Seokjin and Taehyung labelled as targets to eliminate. Experience in the field or not, she has to protect these two and get them to Byulyi no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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