Finally One

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It was 5 minutes past 10 when the limo pulled up to the national park and everyone was seated, waiting patiently for their arrival. Ming was the first to exit the vehicle and he offered his hand for Kit and Yiwan as they hopped out. The photographer had just arrived a few minutes before and was busy taking photos of what she thought the couple would love. They then made their way to the outdoor cathedral like area, unknown to their guests yet, and were near the beginning of the aisle. When the musician saw the 3 of them nearby he picked up his acoustic guitar and began to play the wedding march. Everyone stood up and turned their head to face down the aisle. 

Yiwan was so cute in her pink dress as she slowly walked down passed the people and towards the man waiting at the end. When she had made it all the way down Ming had linked his arm with Kit's as they too began to walk down, smiling at their many family and friends who had joined them today. As soon as they had reached the end the two boys separated and turned to face one another as the priest started.

"We are gathered here today to join Kit Poshu and Ming Desha in holy matrimony. Entering into marriage isn't to be taken lightly as this is a bonding of 2 souls into 1. This pair have decided to take the next step in their relationship and join themselves together." The priest went on for a few more minutes before he said "The boys have each written a little speech they would like to say to one another. Kit if you would like to go first please."

Kit took a deep breath as he spoke "From the moment you entered into our lives you have been our rock and a safe place to call home.  Where most people would of run off at the mention of our little princess you stepped up from day one. We had only just met and yet you helped me raise her as if she was your own, even adopting her." He was crying a little by this point but he continued "I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me. You are not just my best friend but you are my soul mate, my better half." He then turned to Yiwan and said "What do you think sweetie?" Yiwan cutely said "Love you papa." "What she said" Kit finally said.

Ming was also crying softly as it was now his turn to speak. Just before he got a word out Yiwan made grabby hands and said "Papa. I want papa." Ming looked at his little girl and picked her up as he kissed her cheek. Everyone was in awe of how cute the 3 of them looked together, it was a picture perfect moment. Ming then gave his attention back to Kit as he said his words "I love you Kit. The day we first met I knew there was something special about you. You were the missing piece I didn't know I needed until I found you. Without you and Yiwan I would be just an empty shell. Thank you for allowing me into your lives and giving me a place to call home. You both are the most important people in my life so don't ever forget it."

Everyone was silent as there was moment between their words before the priest spoke again. He turned to face Kit and said "Do you Kit Poshu take Ming Desha to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse until death do you part?" "I do" Kit immediately replied happily. The priest then turned to Ming and asked the same thing. At the end Ming also said "I do" as he looked lovingly into Kit's eyes. 

The priest then asked for the rings and Bright stood up and handed the 2 matching rings to him before taking his seat once again. He handed the larger ring to Kit and asked him to say a few words while he placed the ring on Ming's ring finger. "With this ring I thee wed" Kit said with a smile as he slide the smooth ring over Ming's finger. Ming was still holding Yiwan as he was handed the smaller ring. He too said those 6 words as he placed the ring on Kit's left hand. 

"By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your partner" he said. Ming then leaned over and kissed Kit softly. He would of kissed him a little longer but Yiwan shouted out "papa kiss papa kiss." Ming laughed a little as he turned and kissed her on the cheek. The only thing left now was the signing of the registry and the priest asked the 2 witness' to come up and sign just after Ming and Kit had signed their part. 

It was now 10:30 and the wedding was officially over. Ming and Kit were now husbands and they were both over the moon. The reception was 2 and a half hours away but there was an open bar and some appetisers being served from 12 pm but for now it was photo time. Of course the two grooms and their daughter were having their own little photo session first but then afterward anyone that wanted a photo with them were more than welcome too. By 12:30 both Ming and Kit were tired of posing for photos and were really hungry. Yiwan had surprisingly not complained much throughout the day but even now she was getting a little cranky from lack of food.

Everyone soon headed over to the reception hall and were finding their seats/grabbing drinks as a few waiters came around with serving trays. Ming, Kit and Yiwan had their own little table at the front while the rest were scattered around the room, leaving the middle wide open for a dance floor. They had hired a dj and currently he was playing some soft music in the background as people began to settle in. Half an hour later, as everyone was busy talking to one another, the food began to arrive. Ming and Kit had settled on a nice prawn curry, one of Kit's favourite meals, with brown rice and everyone seemed to enjoy it well enough. 

Once the food was all gone, and the plates cleared away, the speeches began. Both parents gave a lovely speech about their sons and how they were so proud of the men they had become. Ming's sister gave a short but simple speech and well Bright decided to add a little humour to his. The last people to speak was Ming and Kit. They had thanked their guests for coming and sharing in this joyous occasion and said a special thank you to their parents for supporting them through all this. 

As soon as the speeches were over it was now time for the couple's first dance. Ming stood up and took Kit by the hand, leading him to the middle of the dance floor. As soon as the song started playing the two were wrapped up in their own little world as they dance together slowly around the floor. 

Once the song was over the pair broke apart to a round of applause from the guests. Next thing you know the dj announced there was another special dance, a father daughter dance. Ming had went over to fetch his daughter and carried her in his arms as he brought her over to her daddy. The song Isn't she lovely began to play as the 3 of them danced around the floor as one happy family. Yiwan was laughing as they danced together, her fathers making her so happy. 

This was so cute that the photographer made sure there was a few photos of this special dance. Everyone in the room watched in silence as they let the couple enjoy the dance with their daughter. Once the song was over some more upbeat music came on and soon everyone was on the dance floor grooving along to the beat. For about an hour and a half everyone was having a great time but now it was almost the end. The only thing left was to cute the cake. Once again this was one of Kit's favourites, red velvet, and it was another way Ming was showing his love. The cake was a 3 tier red velvet sponge cake, covered in white fondant with pink tulip little icing flowers. 

The tables had the real flowers, which Kit absolutely loved, but this cake was just as nice. Ming, while holding Yiwan, took the knife and placed it in Kit's hand as they cut the cake together. They cut a small piece and gave it to their daughter first, who happily shoved it in her mouth, before they took a piece of their own and fed each other. Another round of applause happened before someone else cut the rest of the cake and began serving it to the other guests. 

Half an hour later Ming and Kit were ready to head home. It was almost 6 pm and they had an early day tomorrow as their flight leaves at 6:30 am, that is so they don't arrive in Iceland too late in the evening. The happy couple were spending 2 whole weeks in the beautiful country which means Yiwan would be staying with her grandparents. They both wanted to take her so Yiwan would be with Kit's parents for a week and then Ming's. The newly weds said their goodbyes as they hoped into the limo one last time and headed home, tired from the big day they had just had. 

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