Chapter 1: Dancing Like a Fire Gone Wild

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Beacon Academy, a school designed for the sole purpose of training otherwise novice students into skillful warriors with a heart of passion and a mindset of justice; to protect humanity and kill the monsters that threaten their very existence. Grimm. For as long as history remembers it, that's the reality many were stuck with, and one that would last for generations to come.

Many students would come and go to the prestigious academy, some would stay and mold themselves into the image they and so many others aspired be, whilst others... simply could not see their journey through and abandoned their dreams outright. A pure representation of the world they had been placed in.

Not everyone got their happy ending.

Tonight, however, things were a little different in the school that seemed to never get away from the spotlight. In an academy that sought to train the next generation into warriors of justice and protectors of humanity... the tranquil night that lay itself over the Kingdom of Vale gave out an odd sense of peace. No sign of conflict, no sign of bitterness. Just a harmonious ambience as the ballroom bustled with the sounds of its inhabitants.

At least... that was what the boy known as Y/N L/N thought as the light that shone from the overhanging chandeliers gleamed across the large open room and hitting him in the face, and turning the ballroom into a dimmed purple. Balloons of various colours littered the walls around him, with Y/N himself sitting next to a table decorated in a white tablecloth which housed a rather stylish doily in the middle of it.

He picked the laced mat up and began to twirl it through his fingers, the numerous amount of students from the other three Kingdoms of Remnant alongside those from Vale were all mostly paired up at this point as Y/N focused his attention on the piece of decoration. It was almost like he was avoiding eye-contact with those in front of him. The doily twisted around his fingers before he sighed deeply to himself, neatly placing it back on the table before adjusting his tie.

And with a final groan, Y/N looked down and covered his face. "Why? Why did I have to let Professor Goodwitch convince me to go to this thing? It's tough enough when there's nobody around to talk to..." Y/N groaned quietly to himself, there were very few students sitting in the sidelines where he sat but just seeing those in front of him all paired up, be it friends or actual lovers, made Y/N feel all the more despondent with himself. "I guess this is a price to pay for transferring by yourself so early..."

Y/N peeked through the small gap in his fingers and noticed that he was right next to the punch bowl, how convenient in a time like this. He reached over and grabbed a small cup from the side, quickly getting himself a drink before sinking back down on the chair. Y/N took a small sip and tasted the reddish liquid that reacted sharply with his taste buds, almost testing it to see if it was worth drinking, but with a final shrug he took a swig and placed the cup onto the table.

I'm surprised nobody's spiked it yet, there has to be a few people in here who would do something like that... Y/N thought and he sighed as he crossed his legs while listening to the casual dance music being played for those wishing to take full part in the event. It wasn't like he really minded not being a part of the main event, Y/N was more than content with sitting by and letting the whole thing blow over into the next morning. But it did make him feel somewhat yearning.

He yawned and stretched his arms into the air, before crossing them and closing his eyes, letting the music completely fill his ears and choosing to rest his eyes for a little bit. It seemed like the event would run for a while longer so Y/N opted to just wait it out and relax his spirits while he was there. Being next to a crowd of students was the least of his worries at the moment.

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