Chapter 2: A Burning Passion Unrivalled

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(Viewer Discretion Advised - Sexual Content)

The evening sun's rays bled through the windows of Beacon's vast corridors, the silence occasionally filled by the odd passerby or a team of upcoming Huntsmen and Huntresses discussing battle strategies for the approaching Vytal Festival. Classes had all but ended for the day and most students had set about returning to their dorms for some private studying, taking a walk around campus or going into the City of Vale itself. Everyone had something to be doing.

For one particular couple... the blissful silence was unfortunately shattered by a certain blonde's frustration over one class specifically, with the boy beside her sharing her emotions with a frown of his own.

"Ugh, I thought for sure I had her that time! Did you see the punches I was throwing?!" Yang questioned loudly, crossing her arms with a grumble. "I'm honestly shocked that shield of hers didn't dent from them..."

Y/N gave out a sigh as his eyes looked at the battered gauntlets cradled in his arms, a sad look more than present across his face as he inspected them. "You're telling me. I've seen you send these things hurtling into a pack of Beowolves, bash them against an Ursa like it touched your hair, and still come out completely unscathed! Now..." He winced a little at the bent sections of Ember Cilica's surface. "This'll be quite the repair."

"Didn't even fight but somehow Pyrrha got a hold of you too." Yang chuckled. "Just another crazy day at Beacon."

Both Yang and Y/N sulked for separate reasons yet came to an immediate understanding about the other's problems. Sparring class came and went for the duration they had it, Glynda Goodwitch once again oversaw the matches and students, against not only other teams but their own members too, had their fair shot of practice for the day. All for the hopes of improving their combat sense as well as judgement during a real fight. Y/N, being the Auraless student he was, got front-row seats to it all, from simple to flashy he took note of fighting styles and use of weaponry... and potential clients if they pushed their weapons a little too far.

Oh, and of course Y/N got the chance to witness the true, fiery nature of his stunning girlfriend before his eyes. No matter who Yang fought, she captivated him with each movement and attack, and he wouldn't dare look away and miss the confident grin she had. And by the time the battle was done? Very little notes about her were made, but that was assuredly due to him memorising everything she did just by watching alone.

Certainly not also because Y/N was ogling in his lovestruck state and would be snapped out of it by her giving a thumbs-up and a wink to top it off. No, no, not at all...

"A-ah, here we are!" Y/N snapped himself out of that particular memory with a light red tinge to his cheeks as they stood outside the door to his workshop. A home away from home. He inserted the key and unlocked it with a small click, letting Yang walk in first before following.

The famed room itself held a mixture of workstations that fulfilled a variety of roles while not being too big, some simple such as polishing and cleaning, repaints, dust reloads or infusions into the very weapon itself, and ensuring permissions were carried out accordingly. The more complex roles involved working inside the weapon itself, seeing how it truly ticked and functioned for the user. If a weapon needed repaired, opened up to see what was wrong with the internals, or simply taken apart to cover each problem extensively? This was the place to go, and Y/N carefully laid down Yang's gauntlets before getting proper work attire on to compensate for his lack of aura.

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