ENDING 1: Sad (skip for happy)

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They lay awake in bed, anxious for the call. Gina was shaking like crazy and crying in Rosa's arms.
"Babe what if she's not okay"  Gina pushes out through tears.
Rosa continued to stroke her hair and said
"She will be, she's a Linetti and they can get through anything"
Gina managed to crack a tiny smile.
"And you not sleeping isn't going to help anyone, you get some sleep and il stay awake just incase. Gina didn't like it, but she was too tired and scared to argue. She she fell asleep.

The next day, while Rosa was making breakfast, the call came.
" You answer it. I can't."
Rosa picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hello yes, here's the update on the baby"
Gina and Rosa exchanged worried glances.
"Yesterday, everything was going well, we managed to regulate her breathing and she was interacting as a newborn should."
"until suddenly she just stopped, we rushed in as fast as we could but before we could do anything she was dead. We're sorry. We did everything we could"
And they hung up.

Rosa put the phone down and immediately rushed over to Gina, who was both shaking and crying once again. She had just found out that she was gone, her precious daughter was gone...

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