Chapter 13: Her Story Part 1

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"Not so rough will you??" Ronaldo shouts irritably as he was shoved into a seat. Felicita and the others had brought him into the mansion to be interrogated about the disappearance of Angelica. The angry Debito was the one who handled him roughly.

"Tsk." Says Debito. He gives Ronaldo a death glare, which he returned with another death glare.

"So you're partially responsible for the disappearance of one of our members." Mondo says sternly as he took a seat across Ronaldo.

"Correction," coughed Ronaldo, "I'm not partially responsible. I'm NOT responsible at all!" He was quickly shut up by Luciano who held a dagger in his hand that was held across his throat.

"Better start talking or you won't be breathing in the next second." He says darkly. Ronaldo gulps the lump on his throat as he glances at everyone before facing Mondo again.

He sighs, "I ain't responsible for the disappearance 'cos I warned her that they were coming." He says.

"Why didn't she listen?" Asks Dante as he folded his arms.

"Did you actually try getting to know her?" He says glancing at his audience, "I guess not. . . Anyway that girl has been with those gypsies for quite a while, so she actually foresees her future everyday. She mentioned something about an 'exchange'," he pauses, "She said that she knows that they're after her, but if she doesn't let herself get caught someone else will."

"In other words, she chose her fate," Says Sumire as she fanned herself and looked at everyone in the eye, "I have been talking to that girl for quite some time," Felicita stiffens at this, recalling what Liberta had told her, "She didn't tell me much, so I know little about her past. . . Luciano," she turns to the blonde, "Since she was in same the prostitution house you were. . . could you tell us what's she's been through there?" She continues.

"So she's really. . . ?" Asks a shocked Pace. The others stay silent and decide not to say anything.

"Yes. Yes, she was. Another reason why she didn't want anyone to know about her." She replies and ushers Ronaldo to begin.

He sighs, "To tell you the truth. . . I don't know anything about her past life before she came."

"Just tell us."


Ronaldo's POV:

The whole building was silent, only boisterous laughter sounded aside from the heavy rain that pounded on the roof. Not a sound. The wind howled and hurled itself against the tight windows. Lightning flashed across the afternoon sky and thunder roared.

I was there, along with my buddies. We were in the living room where the huge fireplace was. The ladies were grouping themselves elsewhere. Most of them, to be honest, are actually bought. Only a few working their for a living.

My buddies and I worked as bodyguards, making sure that no one comes in or out without the consent of our boss. He is the real slave driver around here. Sure we get paid a lot. But what we're paid with is only worth one-tenth of what our boss gets. The boss isn't a fat bloke if that's what you imagined. He was a tall man with curly black hair. He doesn't usually walk in the halls. And if he does then that means he's in a bad mood. The staff is numerous. They consist of janitors, cooks, maids, and several others. The men who find girls are the ones who get the highest wage aside from the boss. They consist of seven men. I envy them for having the privilege of traveling and adventure. Well, that's besides getting the most money of course.

"Hey, isn't Bernardo and Cirillo coming back today?" One of my buddies named Amadeo asks me. I just shrugged. Yeah, they're supposed to come back today with a girl, but I didn't care. It simply meant that there was going to be another lass to keep an eye on. It's like this every year, because every year women age to the age of thirty then they go.

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