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Liam's POV-

So basically, my parents just told me I was switched at birth.

And that I'd be meeting my real parents and my real sister.

And that their "son," Louis would be meeting his real parents and his real siblings.

How exactly did they mix me up? I mean yeah mom was a little loopy when she said, "Yeah, that's my son." but they actually got us mixed up?

They said we'd be meeting in Colorado for a "family vacation" so we could all get to know each other and sort this out.

And from my understanding, I'd be moving to California at the end of the school year and he'd be moving here in New Jersey.

How did my parents get us mixed up?

Louis's POV-

My parents just gave me the most horrifying news of my life.

I'm not their on.

I knew it! There is no way. I look absolutely nothing like Lauren and I don't look a thing like mom and dad.

But that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

They told me that I was switched with a boy named Liam Tomilinson and that he has three sisters and one brother. Which are my siblings, and Lauren is his sister.

That stinks, because most likely they share rooms. And my whole life I've had my own room. I've liked it. And no, I'm not a spoiled kid. I just like my privacy.

Mom said we'd be going on a "family vacation" with their family and then I'd be moving to their house when school ends.

Excuse me?

Away from my best friend, Harry? Away from my sister? That isn't actually my sister but I've grown to love her like she is my sister.

How did they get us mixed up, anyway?

Mom said the nurse had forgotten which one of us was hers, so they asked my biological mom who thought was Liam's mother which one of us was hers. She said my mom was pretty tired and out of it so she must've chose Liam instead of me. This was before they named us, so I'm still Louis. But I'm not Louis Payne. I'm Louis Tomilinson.

How did they mix us up?

Coming February 2013 :)

Switched At Birth (a One Direction FF) (Coming February 2013)Where stories live. Discover now