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literally just 5k of nh fluff


The time for Hinata to go back to Konohagakure had finally arrived. She had new stipulations and rules to follow but she wasn't going to worry about that right now. She kissed her mother goodbye and bid only a quick farewell to everyone else.

She swam up through the portal and smiled once she felt the much less salty water touch her skin and immediately began to summon Naruto. Hinata was so excited to see the blond boy and be able to be honest about everything.

So imagine her surprise when she reached the surface and saw him.

The broad expanse of his shoulders and back and the rest of his body emerged in the water. His hair was wet and skin unexplainably tan. Hinata felt that odd sensation of her ears and cheeks heating up again but she would just have to ask Naruto about it again.

"I miss you, Hinata." She heard him groan into the grass.

Hinata smiled at his admission and could no longer stay quiet. "I missed you too, Naruto Uzumaki Naruto. " she mused out softly.

The blond visibly startled and turned around much too fast. He slipped under the surface of the water but easily popped back up while coughing up the water he inhaled. "Oh my- god-" he muttered between coughs.

Hinata only smiled harder at his behavior and swam closer to him. "Hi."

Naruto could only stare in disbelief. Had he gone through the portal? Was he really seeing Hinata in front of him?

"You're a mermaid," he mumbled out. "You're a mermaid with magical powers and you're supposed to marry Sasuke."

Hinata nodded and swam even closer to him, nearly close enough to touch him. "That is correct," she said. "However, I do not wish to speak of Sasuke at the moment."

Naruto could no longer restrain himself and practically launched himself at Hinata. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped her own around his shoulders. Her skin was oddly warm in contrast to the cold water and air surrounding them but he was just happy she was safe.

"I can't believe you're here," he mumbled into her shoulder. "And you're safe."

"Of course I am safe, my family would never harm me." Hinata reassured him. "I appreciate your concern. I missed you a great deal, Naruto."

Naruto smiled and pulled back to look at her clearly. Her bangs were pushed back since her hair was wet which meant her face was clear and just as beautiful. Maybe because she was still a mermaid but her eyes were literally glowing which was enchanting to him.

"I missed you the past four days like crazy," he said. "I felt the pull when you call for me and I just tried to go through the portal."

"Humans can't-"

"I know," he cut her off. "But it was worth a shot. I needed to try it if not to find you but to prove Sasuke wrong." He chuckled a bit.

The bluenette sighed and moved her hand from his shoulder to his cheek, replicating his affectionate motions from a few days ago. "I am truly sorry that I was deceitful and unable to tell you the truth about my identity."

"It's okay," he sighed. "I don't know if I would've believed you. But you're gonna have to tell me about everything from your side. Sasuke did his best."

"Of course," she nuzzled closer to him and let out a content sigh. "I missed your embrace. I had forgotten that my kind is not the most affectionate."

Naruto chuckled and pulled her chin up to look at him. "Then I'll just have to make up for it."

The Difference Between Us •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now