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I wake up sore all over.
Must be my punishment for sleeping on the couch.
Memories of last night start to come into my head.
That boy.
My head starts aching again.
I groan and slowly lift myself up from the chair.
As if on queue, Katlyn walks into my room.
Good morning Katlyn, I yawn
Morning sunshine
She turns to look at me, then the chair and back to me again.
Did you sleep on that? She asks with a questioning look
Yes. And now my body aches all over
My head as well.
Sorry love. I'll ask Mrs Anderson for pain killers.
Thanks Katlyn.
Meanwhile... She sits on the side of my bed and starts smiling.
Guess what today is.
Guess. She taps the space beside her gesturing for me to take a seat
It's movie night. She squeals like a teenager who's excited cause her crush just asked her out on a date.
It is?
She frowns at me.
Yes Hayley. It's the last Saturday of the month, how can you forget that?
Wait, last Saturday?
She gives me a dead pan look.
What? How am I supposed to know it's the last Saturday of the month?
I barely even know anything that happens outside my room.
She stands up and pats my shoulder.
The more reason you should make friends while you're here
I groan and fall face flat on my bed.
But making friends is so harddd
The only friend I have is Zoey... literally.
And that's bad sweetheart.
She starts to head for the door.
Oh and you'll have to eat breakfast at the cafeteria. Your Aunt Merissa said you couldn't cook today
She laughs before disappearing into the crowd of nurses and doctors going about their morning duties
Can today get any worse? I say my face still on the pillow
My phone suddenly vibrates.
I lift my head to see who the message's from.
It's from Zoey.
I open it
Hey bestie,
Sorry I can't make it to the hospital today. I have a date with Brian.
I'll tell you all about it later Tonight.
XO Zoey

Great. My day just officially got worse.
What am I supposed to do till movie night?
The thought of eating the cafeteria food this morning makes me shiver.
I hope it's not porridge. I stand up from my bed and have my bath before walking out the room.
When I get to the cafeteria, I walk up to the Lady serving the food.
Good morning ma'am.
Good morning sweetie. What would you like for breakfast?
I take a look at the choices in front of me.
It's either porridge or fried steak, smashed potatoes and vegetables.
And I so wasn't having porridge for breakfast.
Fried steak please.
She serves the food on a plate and hands me a bottle of water.
Thank you.
She smiles at me and turns to attend to the next person.
Most of the tables are occupied so I walk up to the one at the far corner of the hall.
I take a seat and start digging into the steak.
Not bad actually.
I turn to my side and see a girl seating next to me.
All her attention on her phone.
I move my seat backwards to see what she's looking at.
Oh my gosh black-ish, I whisper.
Uhm hey
She lifts her head and smiles at me.
She looks really really cute.
Blue eyes and a deep dimple that shows when she smiles.
I notice that her hairs been shaved off though.
Is that black-ish?
Yeah. You watch it too?
Definitely. Like who doesn't?
I know right. We both look at each other and start laughing.
I'm Raine. With an E
I laugh. Of course.
I'm Hayley. So what episode are you in?
I just started season 3 actually. Her British accent is pretty clear now.
If you don't mind we can go back to my room and watch it together.
Sounds great.
I finish what's left of my food and follow her.

So how long you been here? I ask when we get to her room.
Her room's painted pink and she had put butterfly stickers on the walls.
She has a guitar lying next to her bed and paper, what seemed to look like sheet music.
Quite long actually....6 weeks
That makes me your senior then. I breathe out a laugh.
Yeah, I've been here for three years.
Yeah, I know.
But I've never seen you.
I don't leave my room actually. I hardly do.
I walk towards her bed. So you play the guitar?
She laughs. Yeah it's my favorite.
Wait..you play other instruments?
Yeah. The piano, violin and harp.
Wow, that's amazing.
Thank you.
She blushed and adjust her beanie.
So why are you here? She asks picking up the music sheets scattered on the bed.
Yeah ... Traumatic Head Injury
It's that serious?
Yup. Weird shit happen.
Sometimes I lose my sight or can't even move my legs or arms.
I can't even read properly.
“That's bad” she replies after neatly arranging her music sheets on the table
Yeah I know, it's sucks.
What about you?
For a moment I could see the sadness in her eyes.
She seemed reluctant to answer my question and stares at her feet to avoid my gaze.
Cancer. Blood cancer.... pneumonia
For a second I couldn't breathe.
Here I was complaining about my head injury when Ashley had pneumonia.
That explains why her hair's been shaved.
She'd probably come here for chemotherapy at first.
Oh my gosh.. Raine.. I'm..so. sorry
It's fine. She laughs a little.
I did chemotherapy two weeks ago.
I've done series tests since then. The doctors said my condition isn't getting any better though.
I guess I'm just here waiting for the universe to decide my faith.
Raine I'm__
So you wanna start the first one episode?
She interrupts me before I could even complete my sentence.
She smiles at me and pats the space beside her bed gesturing for me to lie next to her.
How can she be so happy when with her condition.
Not knowing when life would turn it's back against her.
When she would breathe her last.
I feel a sharp y in my chest while walking toward her bed.
I lie beside her bad she presses play.
Half way to the end of the first episode, I take a side glance at her.
She looked really sad and pale. She was trying be strong in front of me, in front of everyone.
Raine felt pain deep inside just like I always did.

Later that night after I'd finished watching four episodes of black-ish season 3, I walked back to my room to prepare for movie night.
As if on cue, Katlyn walks in with a bowl of popcorn.
Ready for movie night?
“Yuppp” I reply clapping my hands.
So what we watching?
The conjuring. I grin ear to ear
No way Hayley. I'm not watching another one of those horror movies with you.
No young lady.
Fine. So what we watching this time?
‘The hate you give’
Ughhh, really?
Yes. She turns off the light and takes a seat beside me.
Scooch in.

I feel so bad for Raine.
So at this point, I'm so exhausted.
I have no idea if my comas, quotation marks and full stops are in the right place.
Texting this with my phone is so exhausting.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter though.
Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️ O:-)
Love you all

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