15 1 0

Yes mom, I said I'm coming.
I take one last at myself in the mirror before running downstairs.
“Its been more than thirty minutes Hayley. What in the world were you doing up there?
I roll my eyes at her lack of patience.
“Calm down mom” Charlee says from across the living room.
She's sitting on the sofa probably texting her Greek god boyfriend.
And by Greek god, I mean amazingly hot.
She gives me a Stern look before turning round to face Charlee.
Charlee's my elder sister. She looks super hot and has curves which I'm jealous of by the way
Long blonde hair,pink lips and blue eyes.
Yup. Typical Barbie doll.
She's 20 and I'm 16

“Charlee could you at least put your phone down for just a second and help me back up these bags to the car?
“Nope" she responds popping the P
I don't seem to understand what you see in that boyfriend of yours
Mom pinches her nose and lifts head up as if trying to erase Tyler's memory off her mind.
I really don't know why she hates him.
He's a really nice guy
And by nice, I mean he always buys me chocolates whenever he comes to visit.
I lazily drag my bag towards the door. It was way too heavy and I wasn't gonna risk breaking my back bone and end up looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame.
That Disney movie makes me cry even after I've watched it a gazillion times.
Hayley stop doing that you're going to ruin your backpack.
But it's heavy, I whine.
Well you should have thought about that before packing your entire closet into your bag.
“Yes Munchkin? Dad walks out of the kitchen holding an apple.
“Can you please help me?
I stretch out my hands and give him the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.
He chuckles and lifts my bag up
Anything for you Munchkin.
“ You girls are going to give me stress lines” mom sighs and picks her coat up from the sofa.
Dad takes a large bite from his apple and gives her a swift kiss on the lips.
She lifts a brow at him.
Honey didn't you just have breakfast like ten seconds ago?
Mwhat, I'm still wmungry” he replies with his mouth full.
She swats his arm before brushing away the strands of black hair that had fallen to his eyes with her fingers.

Mr and Mrs Carter.
Two married couples who still act like a bunch of teenagers. Cute
Their relationship reminds me of all the Disney couples I've watched a thousand times.
Mom and dad loves each other a lot. Most times they have arguments but they always settled and ended up chasing each other round the kitchen.
Mrs Carter isn't actually an American.
She's a Latina. Lele Rodriguez
It's really strange how dad fell in love with her. He told us he had gone on a business trip to Spain and that's how they met
Charlee looks exactly like Dad but I look nothing like him.
Instead, like my mom I have long black hair, full rosy lips and hazel eyes. She doesn't have freckles like I do though.
I still don't know why I have does.
“Hayley, where's my charger? Charlee asks lifting her gaze from her phone screen for the first time in thirty minutes.
“Why the hell are you asking me?
Let's see ...uhm..cause you used it to charge your stupid phone last night?
Whatever, I don't have it.
We don't exactly get along.
Maybe cause she's way older than I am and acts so mature all the time.
The only time we're actually bonding like sisters is when she's talking about Tyler or we're watching our favorite Disney movie.
Calm down girls. Dad effortlessly tries to break the tension between us
Charlee I'll get you another charger on our way to the airport.
“Fine" she throws her hands in the air and stands up from the sofa.
She picks up a pillow and throws it at my face
“What the hell is wrong with you? I yell
She gives me a fake smile happy that the pillow had successfully hit the target.
Oops, sorry my hand slipped she replies shrugging her shoulders.
Are you handicapped or what??
She rolls her eyes and picks up her bag.
“Let's go girls” mom interrupts before I could think of a better come back.


The car ride to the airport was really quiet. Charlee kept texting her boyfriend while mom kept rummaging her hand bag every ten seconds just to make sure she didn't forget anything.
We were on our way to Costa Rica to drop Charlee off at her University. Mom and dad had decided that after Charlee left, we would spend a week before coming back to San Diego.
I was staring outside the window enjoying the cool breeze blasting into my face.
I couldn't listen to music cause my annoying sister seized my airpods for losing her charger.
We were thirty minutes away from the airport already and the ping sounds coming from Charlee's phone was starting to get on my nerves.
I pinch the space between my eyebrows and breathe in loudly.
Charlee turn that thing off
You're disturbing
No I'm not
Yes, you are
Yes. You. Are Charlee!! You've been texting Tyler for the past one hour.
Gosh don't you guys have anything better to do with your lives‽
Says the girl who still watches Lion King
You watch it too so shut up Charlee
“Hayley! Did you just tell your sister to shut up? Mom turns to face me from the front seat with a Stern look plastered on her face.
She's being annoying Mom.
Doesn't matter. She older than you Hayley
I drag my hair in frustration and slouch my back on the seat.
I turn to my side and really couldn't stand the grin that she had on her face
So I did what any crazy, stubborn teenager would do to her elder sister
I snatched the phone and sat on it
Hayley! She yelled and tried to get it back
One more move and I'm gonna fart on it.
She scrunches her face in disgust
That's disgusting Hayley
“Girls" dad turns to face us swiftly taking his attention from the road talking for the first time in an hour
“I'm starting to think I raised animals and not actual human beings.
Mom slaps the upside of his head.
Ouch, he whines and pouts his bottom lip
What was that for??
Don't call our children animals James
After Charlee had successfully gotten her phone back from under my butt with her famous tickle attack, she pinched my arm leaving a red sore on the spot.
That's for putting my sexy iPhone under your smelly butt
Probably smells better than your breathe, I Mumble
She pinches me again
I heard that
Whatever. I angrily tuck my hair behind my ear.
Facing forward to the windshield, I see lights blinking ahead of us.
What's that? I shake mom's shoulder to get her attention
She stops what she's doing for a moment to look at what I was trying to show her.
It's looks like...a truck?
Oh my gosh honey move to the side now!
But before he could turn the steering wheel, the fast approaching truck hit us and sent the car flying out of the road
The car kept rolling down towards the trees.
My head smashed the window and I hear a crack sound before the glass shatters.
I try to take note of my surroundings but everything was happening really fast.
It continues like that for sometime before the car stops leaving us hanging upside down.
I open my eyes slowly and try to turn my head but the throbbing pain that followed made me regret my decision.
I unbuckle my seatbelt and fall off the seat
Pain shoots through my body.
I grind my teeth to stop myself from screaming. I shake Charlee's shoulder gently and she opens her eyes slowly.
She has a deep cut on her face to the side of her ear
What's going on?
Let's get out of here
I help her unbuckle her seatbelt ignoring the pain in my own head
I shake their shoulders
No response
His head turns to the side when I see his shoulder again
I lift my hand to cover my mouth when I see how terrible he looks
His face got smashed. I could barely recognize my father.

The taste of bile in my mouth was strong now and I had my head away to avoid throwing up.
Mom still wasn't responding.
Charlee pulled me out of the car with the little strength she had left
My throat felt dry,I was struggling to breathe.
The black cloud caused by the smoke that had surrounded us wasn't helping either
Mom, dad..wake up! I yell
My eyes start to sting and my vision gets blurry
Charlee still trying her best to get us out of the smoky mess
I could feel how weak she was because she stopped once in a while to take a deep breath
We can't leave them there Charlee. I'm crying now
Hayley they're gone
We just can't
We can't save them
Hayley they're dead! She yells at me
For a split second I can the the tears, pain and regret in her eyes before they're replaced with determination.
Determination to get us far away from the car before it caught fire or worse explodes.
The sound of sirens become audible when we get closer to the side of the road
The truck driver had probably called for an ambulance after the crash.
He looked really terrified and remorse.
I just wanted to slap the look out of his face.
Because of him I've lost everything. I was going to become an orphan.
Blood starts gushing out my nose and I feel dizzy.
I wanted to lift my right hand to hold unto Charlee's shoulder but my left arm came up instead.
My hands start shaking. I try to walk but my legs do the opposite.
They just stay there rooted to the ground.
It felt like my mind and body were at war with each other
Two men run towards the car and bring out two bodies.
Mom and Dad
They lay them on separate stretchers and cover them up.
Then it hit me
They were really gone. Dead
No no no no no
My head was throbbing and blood kept rushing out of my nose falling down to my white shirt.
Someone help! Charlee was screaming now
Hayley can you hear me?
Please help!
Two ladies run towards us with a stretcher.
I hold my neck gasping for air
My knees felt weak and I suddenly fall to the ground
Their faces flash front in me
I could see mom smiling at dad at the front seat.
They were holding hands
Then the truck driving towards us at full speed
The screaming, the sound of the siren.
Everything made my head hurt more.
I place my hands on both my ears to stop the sounds but they won't go away
The sounds grew louder. Hunting my mind
No no no i say repeatedly
The last thing I heard was Charlee calling out my name as she cried uncontrollably
Before the world turned black.

I feel so bad for Hayley right now
It feels like she got hurt the most.
Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter
Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️ O:-)

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