Day Seven and A Half

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3am GMT..

tommyinnit is live: goodbye

-The Last Day-
|Part One|

I woke up to an alert on my phone, checking the time, it was 3am.

Tommy was live for some reason and out of curiosity I clicked on the stream.

Tommy looked a mess. His hair unbrushed, his eyes bloodshot red, and his skin a very pale white as he took a deep breath.

"Ya know chat..I would do anything to save my best friend."
Tommy spoke.

I kept watching, my chest tightened as I watched him.

"So I will save him. I am eligible for a heart transplant."
Tommy tried to smile,
"We will switch hearts. And it is dangerous for the both of us.."

I dropped my phone on the floor where I stood. Tubbo was still fast asleep.

I didn't really think much. I just sort of started running out of the hospital, the unfamiliar night streets of England were confusing but I believed I knew where he was.

I had been to Tommy's house before, and I memorized the location unless I got lost and was too far from Tubbo's.

I need to talk to him..


I reach his house, knocking on the front door frantically. It was late and I could have woken his parents but I didn't care at the moment..

Then finally, the door slowly opened.

"Why are you here? And where is your coat and your shoes?!"
Tommy quickly pulled me inside his house and up to his room.
"What the hell were you thinking? It is 3 in the morning, dark outside, and you aren't from here!"

"I came here because you are being a fucking idiot! Tommy what the hell do you mean you are eligible for a heart transplant?!"
I scream at him.

"I asked the doctor and he said I could if I just get my parents to sign! Don't you want Tubbo to have a chance at living?!"

"Of course I do but you don't understand that you two would have to go into surgery! That is so dangerous! I don't want to lose both of you!"
I cry. Covering my face with my hands.
"Tubbo doesn't want this Tommy-You do!"
I yell.

He was quiet. I heard Tommy's Twitch still live but didn't care at the moment.

"You aren't thinking Tommy...not rationally.."
I shake, starting to calm down as I looked up at him,

A few tears had fallen from his eyes which were unfocused and aimed at the ground.

"I just thought it would save him..and he would be happy.."
Tommy struggled to push those words out, he slowly slumped to the ground and laid his head on my lap.

"He wouldn't be happy to wake up knowing that his best friend died for his sake Tommy..and as much as I want the peace of mind knowing he is going to wake up every day...we can't change what the universe has already written."
I pet his head, looking down at him, his eyes were shut and his breathing was starting to slow.

"It wasn't meant to be.."
Tommy said.

"You don't know that yet get up and get to bed, I must get back to the hospital to watch the sunrise.."
I gently pull his head up, standing and rubbing his head one last time before walking to his door.

He slowly stood to his feet, walking to the computer first and ending the stream, then bringing me a coat and a pair of slippers,
"I'll walk with you. It is still dangerous."

I just nod, walking down the steps and waiting for him at the door so he could put a coat and some shoes on too.

"Are your parents okay with you leaving this early?"
I look up at him, opening the door.

He nods following after me out the door.

While walking we didn't really say much to each other, we just kept our eyes ahead of us and tried to just focus on getting back to Tubbo's side..

At the front entrance I swiped a card they gave me and the door unlocked, and we traveled up to his room.

When we opened the door, Tubbo was sitting up, his legs hung over the side of his bed as he was looking at where I had left my phone-

He heard and saw everything from Tommy's stream..

"Tubbo, lay back down."
Tommy came behind him and pulled him back into his hospital bed.

"Can we all talk..?"
He finally looked at us. His eyes glossy.

"Of course!"
Tommy and I said at the same time.

"The livestream..Tommy you aren't going to give me your heart right? Ava is right, I don't want to wake up fresh out of surgery if it is successful knowing that my best friend died because of me, and there is no guarantee that either of us will even survive it."
Tubbo looked at Tommy directly in the eyes.

"I am aware of that..and I agree I was out of my head..pulling a Wilbur, but there has to be a way to keep you alive!"
Tommy exclaimed.

"A new heart is expensive Tommy..neither of us make that much.."

And then there was an iMessage sound right on cue coming from Tommy's phone..

Big D😏

Big D😏:
How much does it cost to get a new heart transplant? I'll send you the money.

Dream had messaged Tommy about the new heart...

"It was meant to be.."
Tommy burst out crying, holding out the message to Tubbo and then to me and we cried happily together after sending how much money we needed to him, and in that instant, Dream PayPaled Tommy the money plus a bit extra just in case and Tommy went out into the hall to find a doctor to get the surgery started as soon as possible.

Tubbo hadn't eaten for two days, he had only had some water about 18 hours ago he said which was a perfect coincidence, and they quickly started to prep him for emergency surgery.

"I'll see you on the other side.."
Tubbo, for the first time since we first met, smiled with the purist happiness and hope,

"I'll be waiting."
I smiled back at him, kissing his forehead and the doctors and nurses rolled his bed out of the room.

Tommy and I sat there in the waiting room for the whole process, and then the doctor came to tell us on how Tubbo's surgery went...


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