cap 17

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*Bakugou's POV*
my belly was frizzing, i didn't know what could happen tonight.
I put on some social clothes and y/n was dressing a long dark blue dress with a slit that shows one of her legs black thin high heels , she had a messy bun and hoop earrings, she was sparkling.

"are you finally done?" i rolled my eyes

"i was pretty fast so you can't say anything" she said rolling her eyes too

"tch, whatever, can we go now?"

"yeah" she put her arm around mine in the elbow area so she could get down the steps of the house and then we got into the car that aizawa left for us.
She seemed a little sleep all the way to the place and before we getting out of the car I grabbed her shoulder and stared into his eyes
"you promise you will be okay?" i asked

"of course, you don't need to worry about me"

"here, take this" I gave her a small device to put in her ear, they were small so it was hard for anyone to notice them "those are listening, so that we can communicate in case something happens, they they work via satellite, so depending on something happening one of us may lose the signal so if something happens I need you to stay calm and breathe, I’ll go after you "

"I'm really thinking that you were replaced by a robot because it is new for me to see you worried, you would probably send me to hell and slap me on the back of the head but it didn't ... happened? "

"oh fuck off jeez"

"shall we go?"

"yes" I opened the car door and then helped her down until she got to the party

the whole place has lights everywhere, there was a girl singing, a lot of tables, people smoking cigars and playing poker , it was very easy to notice that she was nervous, I could see by her arm that was intertwined in mine that her hands were shaking, and what if I ... I dropped my hand down her arm and I intertwined my fingers with hers, her cold and turbulent hands clashed with the heat of mine, she opened her eyes looking scared and confused but she looked right behind

"what if someone do something bad to us?" she said

"as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you, so calm your tits and breath" i said (a/n:Did anyone get the reference? Hahahaha)

"yeah, you're right" she sighed and then we entered the room and positioned ourselves at a table not so close to the back or close to the center, there it was possible to see the guys that we were going to sign the agreements, they were smoking

we stayed at the table waiting for some movement until the food were served and after that the guests were dancing in the center of the room

"hey, bakugou" she nudged me "wanna dance?"

"the fuck, no" i answered

"oh come on bakugou, stop being a brat"

"what did you say dork?" i get up and put my hands on the table

"you can't even handle a dance? why? mommy didn't teach you how to"

"I'll show you what 'mommy' teached me you bastard" i  grabbed her neck and I whispered

we went to the center and she placed both hands behind my neck and me the hands on her waist pulling her towards me more and more, until when we were close to the extreme she laid her head on my chest and relaxed to the music swing coming out of the beautiful lady's mouth on stage and when I noticed again she was trembling

"nervous?" i asked

"touya" she whispered


"he's here" i put my hands on her face to make her look at me gentle "who's here?"

"touya" she said following my eyes

"you're sure?"

"i don't know, i think I saw him, maybe was just something alike"

"could be, now calm down" i hug her and we were still moving your feet calmly to the music

"i wanna invite someone to sing here" the girl on the stage said and both of us stopped to listen to her "y/n, why don't you come here?"

"wait, hado?" y/n said

hado?oh, the girl at the Starbucks, i think y/n said that she could sing.

I saw y / n go up on stage and pick up the guitar next to it and started singing, her voice had an ardor that left everyone perplexed, her vocal strength was indescribable, literally music for mine ears

Before her show she came over me and a man was coming too

"y/n right?" the man said "and you're probably bakugou"

"nice to meet you" both of us said

"I'm kurogiri,I'm the owner of the carrier here, I'm looking forward to our conversation later Miss y / n"

"me too, hope everything go well"

"have no doubts, you should come and have a smoke with us "

"thank you for the offer but I will have to refuse "

"okay, you want to keep dancing with your boyfriend, right? "

"actually, he's not my boyfriend"

"what a shame, you too look beautiful together" he smirked "well, I'll be waiting for you at 00:00at the bar over there"

"see you soon"

he said goodbye to us and we sat at the table again waiting for midnight, she looked thoughtful but was not shaking anymore.

A/n: hey guys,hope you guys liked, I'll post the special chapter soon, I really love read Your comments, you are sweet, I love you.

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