The chosen ones.. chapter 1

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"Hey,Hey,Hey pretty lady'" Nathaniel flirted. He's always flirting on me amber and isobella- what a cheek. "wheres your friends" i replied rudley, we were down at the gucci club down in new york- the biggest venue in town! "so who pushed your buttons eh?" he replied in a brittish accent, i rolled my eyes and walked off. "SHEILA! SHEEILLAAA! SHEILA!!!" i heared a familiar voice call. "Sheila!" i turned around and saw it was my best friend Amber- of course, i rolled my eyes, "whats up dude?" " Errrm.. dont whats up me babe, come on! you have to see this!" I was unfamiliar with this plus i never trusted amber she's always suspicious of doing things and i mean doing things. she grabbed hold of my arm downstairs in the basement,where was she taking me?, she then put her hands around to cover my eyes. She stopped. i was guessing we finally reached our destination, but she then started whispering to someone. I couldn't get out what they were really saying but i was getting a feeling this wasn't a good thing."Amber where are we going 2.why are we at the basement of the club and 3. Who is here with us.""Stop moaning, Its your birthday and your already sounding like a depressed old cow"she relplied,That was rude. We then started walking again,it seemed as if the whole place was dark; i wasn't saying this just because amber's hand was over my eyes but i had this overreacting feeling that i felt unsafe wherever i wen't with amber. We then stopped, my arm hairs lifted up, i was freezing, i literally had goosebumps everywhere. Amber then lifted her sweaty palms of my wet eyelids then turned my body to face her,"open your eyes" i saw an excited expression on her face, i had a confused expression on mine "turn around!" she nodded down to a huge table, God knows how,but there was thousands of alcholic drinks around the table, then there was a huge suprise! They were all here, Nathaniel,jake,amber and josh it put me to tears. It was amazing "awww come here bubba"amber came in for a big hug""Grouuupp Huggg!"josh chanted,as they all came in they started to sing happy birthday. It was sooo sweet i couldn't thank them in anyway. Nathaniel then came over,"come on babe lets just have a drink or too it really aint that bad""naah im alright i don't wan't to overreact on my 19th birthday"i smiled"come on do it,do it, do it, do it..."everyone started to chant do it"alright i'll do it!" they all cheered. I wouldn't say we actually had 'one or two drinks' I'd say about a million cups, i tried at least 1-2 of each alcohol on the table. i couldn't stop i was going absoloutley crazy. My eyes then became double-sighted i was loosing control i could imagine how we all looked like-mad people i suppose-my mind then became dizzy, i didn't know exactly what i was doing. We were all drunk and i meant ALL of us. My eyesight then became blurry. I felt so sick my belly started to ache i needed to throw up. I found a publicity toilet around the building, just about 10 large footsteps away from the bottom base of the club. I threw up so badly i tryed turning back about 6 times to leave and enjoy the rest of my birthday with my mates, but the vomit seemed to have sprung out itself. When it finally had the descency to stop i ran back out about to join the others until henched man with a red&black mask hiding his face with black clothing plus he had them kind of crime gloves you'd see on tv where no fingerprints wouldn't be left at the crime seen."Hello Sheila Green" he said ib a slightly suspicious way"How ..d you kn..kno..know me and my name?" i replied in such broken language. "I know you and every little dirty secret of yours." i feared whoever was behind the mask i wanted to leg it i was scared and cold."how an earth do.." i didn't get to finish my sentence as i tried to leg it until he caught me by my neck and threw me to the ground, at the momment he threw me against the hard,cold, concrete i hit my temple against the rock. I blacked out for a bit until i saw the unfamiliar figure, i tried to read out what he said"Your the chosen one."in the distance of where he was i saw a sharp silver blade in his right hand glove." Don't! Please!" i cried "Bye bye darling" and by that second everything became blurry by the swipe of the sharp blade, i was bleeding from the centre of my neck, it hurt to breathe. I was now in the puddle of death. I was one of the chosen ones.

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