𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕥

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Startled and afraid, the chicken barbie beast lept into action. She didn't like being told what to do. She topped Ken with such force he busted in an instant. The green goop seeped through his pants...
"Ken... what's this? Its green," asked Chicken Barbie Beast in a confused tone.
"Chicken Barbie Beast, I have something to tell you...

Shrek is my real father. He left to buy onions twenty years ago and never came back. I'm sorry I never told you..." replied Ken, tears swelling up in his eyes.

Chicken Barbie Beast sucked up his salty tears, the flavour reminded her of something else, and comforted him, caressing his face with her long, split tongue 😝. She was  good in all sectors.

Once Ken had stopped sobbing, Chicken Barbie Beast she let his soft unerect penis flail around for a while while her breast stayed warm with excitement. His hands followed the line of her areolas and she felt a tingling sensation all over; it spread through her wings to her legs and then to her juicy ass butt. The sensation was a little more than that of a sneeze.

Ken let out a scream. His penis had finally erected. He was ready! His feet lifted from the steady, flat state they were in on the floor as he jumped up, intimidating poor Chicken Barbie Beast. He wanted pleasure and he wanted it now.

Luckily for Chicken Barbie Beast Ken was a loyal and respectful doll. She didn't consent so he sat his arse back down and let Chicken Barbie Beast do the dirty work.

"You know what year it is, boi, " she whispered with a warm breath into Kens ear, "its 2020 and #pegallmen is trending on twitter!"

A terrified yet intrigued look spread across Kens face...


No preparation, no lube, no douche. Straight in the arse went the strap on and she just went. Electricity flew through the air, in, out, in, out, in.... OUT. The pleasure was too much to bare. Ken had never felt so much pain correlating with so much lust and love... the sentations were overwhelming. He'd never felt like this.

It happened again... he nutted.

But alas, Chicken Barbie Beast kept going. She knew what she was doing, holding him in place with her slimy chicken wings struggling to balance on those stumpy unseasoned legs of hers, and she wasn't going to stop there.

She kept going at his g spot for six minutes straight...

Then a knock at the door occurred...

"HENNY, am hooome!"

He came back for his son...

Ken stared into his eyes whilst Chicken Barbie Beast was still penetraiting from behind.

"denne moan at me boi, only if am theh won doen et. Get off me boi lass, lemme show ye how ets don"

Shrek shoves Chicken Barbie Beast out of the way and slides his gargantuan horse cock into his sons buttocks.

"Woah, nice cock." says Chicken Barbie Beast.

"Shhh, I need silence to do the dirty work"

Just like Megan, Shrek spells his name into Ken, spitting as his ever-growing arseholes to lubricate and pleasure. He does this much more softly than Chicken Barbie Beast, still managing to make his son cum over and over again.

ohhhh daddy
I knew you'd cum back
fuck me, Jerry, fuck me

Shrek had succeeded in his mission. He'd cum home. Ken was happy, Chicken Barbie beast had participated in the hashtag and Shrek made everyone Shreak.

He got up and left, his final words...

It's all ogre now...

                              THE END.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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