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I had this dream the other day.It was extremely random and weird.

Me,My Family and my friend were going to this EXTREMELY fancy hotel.When we were checking in to get a room,I looked around and saw Sydney Harcourt,the actor of James Reynolds in Hamilton, and so I whispered to my friend "dear sir I hope this letter finds you in good health" which is part of James Reynold's lines in the song Say No To This.After that,I just stood there for a minute until I looked around again.This time,I saw Anthony Ramos,The actor of John Laurens and Philip Hamilton in Hamilton aswell as Justin LaBoy in 21 Chump Street the musical, so I whispered to my friend "I see you over there cooking while you're over there" which is the first line of Anthony's song Mind Over Matter.So then me and my friend were just screaming the lyrics to Mind Over Matter as Anthony just left the room.

Later,Me and my friend were exploring the hotel and we saw Anthony Ramos again.We went up to him and began talking to him.He was super sweet and so willing to talk,it was a dream after all,so we talked in the middle of the hotel for a while.Suddenly,on a speaker,an announcement came up saying that a rollercoaster,YES A ROLLER COASTER IN A HOTEL,had broken down.After hearing this,Anthony told us it wasn't safe next to the coaster tracks that appeared next to us so he told me and my friend to follow him to somewhere safer.

After leading us to this cozy room with sofas and maroon coloured walls with grey carpet,me,my friend and Anthony chatted some more.He was,again,really sweet and we chatted for what felt like hours until my parents came in and told me and my friend it was time to head back to the room.We said our goodbyes to Anthony and reluctantly made our way to the hotel room.

And then I woke up...

(that was my dream...super weird I know but it's me so I'm used to weird dreams)

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