chapter 18

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i walked downstairs to see jaden there with flowers in his hand "Aw jaden you didn't have to" i say walking over to him "yes i did, i don't wanna mess this up with you" he says "Aw stop your to cute" i say "I know i am" he says smiling i laugh "ok come on let's go" he says "ok" i saying walking out and he opened the car door for me "Jaden stop i can do it myself but thank you" i say "hey i'm just trying to be nice" he says, i smile and i sat down and then he got to the drivers side and put on some music and he put on sam smith and i was about to die because i loved his song but i couldn't sing in front of him because he makes music and what if he think i sucked so i just sang it in my head.

about 20 minutes later he brings me to a dead end "Are you going to kill me" i say "Maybe" he said "Oh no i'm out" i said laughing, we walked up a hill and there was a blanket on the ground with some food on it and we can see the beach and the pretty ass sky "Aw jaden this is cute, Thank you" i say then i go up to him and hug him "Well i had to for someone like you" he says "Aw stop your making me blush" i say "Aw your cute" he say i just laugh and walk over to the blanket and sit down and he sits across from me. We talked and ate for a little while and then we walked to the beach and we just kept talking until it was 10 and we got back into his car.

we got home "Thank you so much jaden tonight was fun and i hope to do it again some time" i say "Yeah me to" he says and i hug him and he kisses me and i kissed back duh he's hot i smiled and said by and stuff then i go to my room and opened the door to see Taylor watching tik toks "How did it go" she says "Bad, i never wanna do that again" i say "Damn was it really that bad" Taylor says "No it was amazing it probably was the best date i have ever been on" I say "bitch you can't do that to me" Taylor says laughing "I know but i thought i would've been funny" i say "Ok so where did you go, did you eat" Taylor asked "We went to some place on a hill and we had sandwiches and chips and we could see the beach and the pretty ass sky" i say "Aw really he better how done a good job or i wouldn't kicked his ass" Taylor says laughing and i laugh a bit "Oh my god did i tell you he kissed me" i say almost screaming "He what" Taylor says "Yeah it was the best kiss every" i say.

Me and Taylor just Talked about my date for a while and then i got out of my clothes and took off my makeup and put on some tv and went to bed

This boy//Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now