Chapter 1- A New World

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Chris's POV

I woke up and I realized that I'm not in Ella's home, and she is sleep so I awake her up "Ella wake up, Ella" I said. Then she's awake "Chris what just happened" Ella asked.

"I don't know, I only remember that we're hit from the thunder that's all" I said.

Then I stand up and I was shock that we're in the island and we're already wear a uniform and I have a Katana and Shadow power. "Woah I have a Katana and Shadow power" I was amazed.

"Hey Ella do you have power or a weapon?" I asked then she's very happy.

"Yes! I have an Ice magic." She said and she is very happy.

After Ella realize that see a school. "Hey Chris there's a school over there" she said and i was confused and shocked "Wait what there a school in this island?"

"You heard me right" Ella said as she's mad a little.

"Hey Chill Ella, I know but this is my first time I see a school in this island you know." I said to chilled Ella then I was check in my phone.

"Seriously no signal, how can I call to my parents?!" I said in shock moment.

"Same on me Chris, our parents are worried of us." Ella said

"Yeah totally" I said.

After I see a pink-haired girl so I ask her. "Hey can I ask you a question?" I said then she said "Hmm sure, you must be a new here right".

"Yeah, umm what is this place Ahh girl" i said in awkward moment.

"Just call me Hiiragi Nana in short Nana." She said as straight.

"Sorry My apologise I'm Chris Paxley or Chris in short and this is my friend Ella." I said and I wave Nana.

"Hi Nana" Then Ella wave at Nana.

Then Nana explain that what is this place at us. "Ohh I understand now." Ella said then I was shock. "Oh I understand".

Then I Bell was ring "What are you waiting for let's go to our classroom!" Nana said and she run to our classroom.

"This weird right Chris?" Ella said as serious face in front on me then I was sit in the grass and I was thinking that why are we in this place.

"I don't know really Ella I don't understand that why we are in this place" is said as straight.

"Maybe we're teleport in another dimension" Ella said.

Then I was sad "Hayys your right we're in the new world, you know I'm happy that We have a power but not this way right?" I asked to Ella.

"Yeah Chris but this is our new life, we can't go back time, we can't force ourself, soo accept this new life Chris." Ella said and she gave me hope.

"Thanks Ella you give me hope." I said and Ella was blushed then Nana is come back a she said.

"Our classmate is waiting for you, do you want to get a punishment to our teacher?" Nana said.

"Okay were coming" Ella said as shout then running to our new classroom.

"Well this is our new life and new friends so good luck to us Ella" I was smile in Ella while running and she's smile also.

"Yeah good luck to us" Ella said.

A New Journey Begin

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