FILE 01 | Mirage Bancroft

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Bancroft Household \ Mirage's Room 
December 05, 2022

The freshly washed white walls gleamed in the first golden rays of the sun. Each tint of sunlight passed through the open window, as the breeze speedily raced through the room of a young woman.

Her bed was covered with brown shoulder-length hair that had saliva and knotted hair clips poking out of each end. She was very petite for her age - she was just another 18-year old studying in the STEM Strand in Thornfield University. Just a normal student.

Or is she? 

"Ms. Mirage. It's time to wake up. You're gonna be late for school." Shouted her maid, waiting near her. 

Mirage barely opened her eyes when she noticed her maid holding her towel at the door.

[Wake up / Stay Asleep]

At the choice, Mirage moved her body position to face the other side of the bed, and continued to sleep in fetal position. 

"It's already 6:15 A.M., Ms. Mirage." The maid tried to convince her, "Your mother will be very angry if you don't wake up anytime soon."

[Wake up / Stay Asleep]

Mirage completely opened up her drowsy eyes. Grumbling, and curling her lips, she muttered, "Okay, okay. I'll get up, I'll get up. Are you happy?"

"Delighted." The maid replied without hesitation, as she proceeded to open the door wide for Mirage to come outside.

"Another day, another maid to fire for interrupting my pleasant nap." The young woman told herself. 

Bancroft Household \ Dining Room 
December 05, 2022

"Good morning, mom..." Mirage greeted along with a gigantic yawn.

Her mother, Serena Bancroft, glanced at her slightly before looking back to her newspaper, "Good morning, Mirage. What took you so long?"

"Oh, well." She concealed her sly smirk, "The maid woke me up a little late. It wasn't my fault." 

The maid, who had no idea what she was talking about, received a raised eyebrow from Serena. Mirage was shifting the blame onto her! She was about to begin defending what truly happened until she locked eyes with Mirage, who was staring at her.

She couldn't speak. She couldn't utter a word.

"I see, perhaps we should hire a new maid?" Her mother said, as she sipped his cup of tea. It was one of the finest and rarest of brands: The Silver Tips Imperial. 

[ Pancake and Cookies | Egg and Bacon ]

With a pause, she took a bite to her food first.

"For a maid as tardy as her," Mirage criticized the maid, Not going to lie, this cooking is fantastic. Perhaps a salary reduction would be more appropriate, mom."

"Whatever you say, Mirage." Serena nodded.

The maid felt a sigh of relief, though deep inside, she wasn't sure if keeping this job was better than being jobless. This is an 18-year old spoiled brat she's dealing with, and she doesn't think this is going to be any easier.

Mirage, on the other hand, felt very powerful and a surge of pride lifted her self-confidence once more. Oh how she loves getting to do whatever she wants. She loves the way she can control her life.

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