2- Concern

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Luz's POV
"Bye Blights!" I called over my shoulder, I don't think they heard me but I'll just go with it.

"Hey human!" I hear a voice to the right of me.

I turn to face it, "Oh hey Boscha, what's up?" I say slightly annoyed.

"Oh I just wanted to ask what's up with you and the twins?" She questioned.

"I really don't know.. I guess we're friends? It's weird because when we're around Amity, Em flirts with me.. which is confusing..." I say my voice slightly trailing off as I was talking.

"Yeah she tends to be that way. I think it's because she senses something between you and Amity."

Between me and Amity..? But we're just friends.. well I guess we are.. she makes me nervous, I hope she can't tell.

"Between me and Am? No way! Even if I did like her like that there's no way in hell she'd like me back"

Boscha looked at me confused, "Amity may be a princess who hides her feelings well, but she's full of surprises."

Was Boscha being nice to me..? This is weird.

"Luz! Come on we have to go study!" Willow yells at me.

Oh god I forgot we have study group tonight. Me, Willow, and Gus study together once or twice a week so we can catch up on our lives.

"Yeah come on Luz! You shouldn't be talking to her anyway." Gus shoots at Boscha, who looked down at her shoes quickly. She may have been a bully but she seems to be making an effort with me now. Ugh.

"Hey, can we cancel today? Something just came up." Gus and Willow looked at me confused but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah that's okay I'm kinda busy today anyway." Willow said shortly, Gus just nodding along.

"Great! Well, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow?"

"I guess so." Gus said quietly, as him and Willow walked away.

"Hey thank you for doing that for me, you didn't have too." Boscha said still looking at her shoes.

"It's no problem.. do you wanna come over tonight?" Why am I doing this?

"Yes! Please that would be amazing."

"Okay cool! Come on it's getting kinda late." I said as we made our way off campus.

This should be interesting, I think to myself, but am quickly interrupted by a scroll ringing.

Boscha answered her scroll, "Hey Am what's up? Woah calm down, are you okay?..... Yes I'll be there in five and Luz is coming with me."

I give her a concerned look as we change course to Blight Manor. "Amity it's gonna be okay remember the breathing exercise, in for four hold for six, out for five. We'll be there soon."

"Amity's not okay, we have to go, now." She gets serious all of a sudden, and starts running.

What the hell is going on?

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