The time to fly is now

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Makayla POV

Hey we don't need to go to LA I can launch my music production from here .Eisha says Makayla people's music boom down there and the music hits so I set you up with a few studio appointments and sent him your songs. Riley says bitch shut up u sing amazing stop being nerves. Alright I'll stop bitching hoe. Ny screams girl I got something to tell u. I say hoe what is it, ny says Makayla your dad died and there's people coming for u. I scream bitch what I know how to shoot but I don't wanna have to be looking over my shoulder all the time.ny says  girl calm down we gone be famous Ight u gone be good we all gone live together and I bought some guns so chill.

Nyeisha POV

This girl worry to much I got everyone a transfer for there jobs so they still make there money we get moved in everyone is good 😌

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This girl worry to much I got everyone a transfer for there jobs so they still make there money we get moved in everyone is good 😌.
After everyone gets moved fun we will go shopping and maybe find Makayla a boyfriend cause she's a little up tight and sad a lot but the reason why is for another time .

(Hey this is the real badkaykay but um the reason she's sad a lot is in the next chapter)

There is one thing I didn't tell The other girls is that I have friends that can help them and maybe date them because I'm tired of them they need to be busy even Makayla she needs to be dicked down she always be sad and made that's how u know u need to be dicked down but she's about to get a suprise and she's kind of suicidal so I got to take away her blades .

Hey that's it for this chapter it u think she'll like the woo and his friends 🙂🙂

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