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Please let me go I'm sorry I didn't mean it I just thought when you said leave I thought you meant never come back. Jayden screams don't you want your kid back she always says she misses you .Makayla pleads please just give me her. No can do when you leave she has to get your treatment Jayden says. What the fuck do you mean my treatment she's 8 I'll stay just let her go. Alright fine call someone to come get her stank ass Jayden screams.Makayla says first lemme see her first and give me my clothes I don't want my baby girl to see me like this. Open the door Jayden whispers to his jacket. The door opens and I immediately start crying she has bruises all over her knife scars and blood and dirt when I smelled her she smelled like baby powder and all I could tell her is everything is gonna be fine and I finally told her that she has a name and her name is leilani braeline Ramos
Nyeisha POV
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We got to get her back and keep her safe she probably dead or crying and this time we got to get her kid cause its not fair that we keep saving her and leaving her kid ny explained to everyone on the plane even the boys even tho she told them not to come. Ight so me and Mikey go in and ask if he seen them and y'all go in through the back and get them and while we stall in the front dread and roddy go with y'all just in case someone wants to shoot and tjay u stay in the car to be the get away and make sure nobody else pulls up. Ight everyone got the plan. Meanwhile ny gets a call Ny🥰🥰: hello Kayy 😘: um can y'all come get my kid Ny🥰🥰:u seen your baby Kayy 😘:yea she's beautiful she's smart she taught her self abc's and don't save me that's the deal Ny🥰🥰: what's the deal for you to stay and she go Kayy😘: yea my life it's gone but hers she is gonna be something amazing ok and her name is leilani braeline Ramos if y'all can't save me save her ok Ny🥰🥰: I'm going to save u and lani ok girl everyone loves you ok and pop likes you so your not alone Kayy😘: ight tell pop I like him too and you and Mikey cute Ight but I got to go I love y'all ok and tell Riley the code to the safe is 5307 ok it has all my songs and a package for everyone in there ok even the boys I love y'all bye See y'all soon. Chanel's forever ok Ny🥰🥰: Chanel's forever bye. ...... end of call Poppa POV
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We got to save her Ight let's go we get of the Planck and head straight for jayden's warehouse on the empty part of town.and all we hear is Makayla's screams hurry up and drive there hurting her I yell. We are coming for this little bitch boy that got my baby.we gotta get my girl and kill these niggas that's hurting my baby and her kid and honestly my other baby.