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April, Vern, and the mutant family firmly believed that the disappearance plan wouldn't work for Ossa. But thankfully, after sticking to the plan, the family was able to contain her existence for a few weeks. During those few weeks, a creature like Osa, full of curiosity and adventure felt trapped and overwhelmed. As soon as her isolation ended, she was free again and doing what she wanted as herself. 

Just before Thanksgiving Day, law enforcement quit searching for Roita Montez and it gave Osa's allies a relief.

Today, Osa lay down on April's couch watching a few movies to pass the time until lunch was ready. She snuggled into a blanket and fluffy pillow, nuzzling into the warmth with a cup of hot chocolate. This is her third cup with a few fat marshmallows and a decent amount of peppermint.

As the shifter quietly watched her show, she took a glance outside the window, noticing the sky was very white. It wasn't just white, it was bright and full of mystery. There are millions of white dots falling from the sky, falling gracefully to the earth. Osa gasped lightly, her ears perking straight up as she leaned forward on the couch. She set her mug of cocoa on the coffee table and brushed the blanket away so she could get a better view of the city. "Whoa..." She grinned softly.

April could see Osa from the kitchen, seeing how amazed she was at the first sight of snow. The reporter washed her hands, dried them, and walked up behind Osa. "You like the snow?" She asked her, sitting on the couch.

Osa sat on the bench near the large window, nodding. "Snow." She repeats. "What is it?"

"Snow is cold, fluffy, and very fun," April explains in a simple sentence. She thought it was fascinating to see Osa get excited about her first snow.

"Can we go out?" Osa asked, eager to touch each flake she saw.

April smiled, getting up from the couch. "Let's eat first and then we'll go to Central Park."

That was the plan. Once April and Osa were finished eating their lunch, Osa was given some clothing to protect her pointed ears from being seen by the public and a jacket to cover her warm body. She hid her tail inside her pants and from afar, she looked like a real human being.

When she stepped outside of the apartment and felt the cold flakes fall on her face, she shivered with a grin, taking in the cool weather. She sighed deeply, hearing April shut the apartment complex door and walk down the steps.

In Central Park, Osa's eyes lit up when she found so many children and families playing together in the cold white blanket. Some were building snowmen, some created snow angels, and there were a few snowball fights. She realized that this was experiencing something brand new with the outside and human culture. The shifter looks at April for permission. "Can I?"

"Of course," April replied, burying her hands in her pockets, and watching Osa jog from her. "Just don't shift!" She called.

Osita giggled, scooping some fresh snow into her hands and feeling it sting her skin. But when she secretly quarter-shifted her hands into polar bear paws, it was like holding a damp ice pack. She could hardly feel the numbing snow. Then, she brought the clump of snow to her mouth, letting it melt on her tongue. "Water." She says, dropping the snow on the ground and looking at her surroundings. She shifted her paw back to a human hand.

New York is trapped in a curtain of massive snowflakes, nearly canceling out the skyscrapers close by. The change of weather seemed to make Manhattan a tad bit quieter because of how calming it is. But of course, children were screaming and yelling happily on the frozen ground.

"I'm gonna get you!" A child shouted as the little boy ran past her, making Osa pivot her body to see the child chase his father and mother with a handful of snow. Behind them, a girl, maybe ten years old followed behind with her small bunch of snow.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now