Chapter 2

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He looked at me dumbfounded still not realizing the meaning of those sheets of paper. Probably he did, he was still a CEO of some company, but might be a little paralyzed.
I gestured him to have a look at the marriage certificate and frantically his eyes scanned through the document while he murmured quietly something incomprehensible in patches. Despite I could hear curses sometimes, which shouldn't be repeated.

After a while of me standing still like a mannequin and him perusing the certificate I couldn't stand the hush and cleared my throat.

"So what shall we do?", I asked carefully.

According to the grimace on his face I was sure he was more than irritated about this situation but quickly had a solution to stop this little misery.

"Just annulate this so called wedding. It was an accident and, I'm sure, not even legalized so this won't be a problem. I'll just call my lawyer and get everything settled", he said haughtily and took his phone.

"Well that was easy." I murmured kind of annoyed by his know-it-all behavior.

"So you guys were in Vegas and got married?" Robert Montgomery said chuckling after listening to the whole explanation of what had happened.

He had turned out to be not only as Logan's lawyer but also as his best friend, who was more than amused about our shrewd affair. They've known each other for a long time, since childhood according to Robert, as he had introduced himself. I easily could say Logan wasn't his stiff self anymore as soon as his friend had entered the room.

I nodded silently to his question whereas Logan was fuming at his friend.

"Rob, this ain't no fun! You have to do something immediately. I cannot even imagine being married with twenty-four. I have a reputation to keep."

"Which reputation?", I murmured quite incoherently.
Logan's head immediately snapped to me.
"What did you just say?"

I answered innocently, even though his best friend was snickering.

"Sorry, man, but this is indeed a legalized marriage and the only way getting out of here is divorce."

"What about an annulment?" I asked hopefully. It wouldn't cost as much as a divorce and most of the money I had saved is for my actual wedding. So an annulment would definitely be less expensive and a divorce was not debatable.

"Well, it is possible, but we have to prove, that during the wedding ceremony one of you was mentally unstable, that your marriage is incestuous or that both of you were drunk."

"The last one is easy to prove. I definitely was drunk if I marry some teenager like Ms. Lenton."
Logan said with a degrading side glance at me.

"Pardon me? What do you mean someone like Ms. Lenton?" I asked immediately offended.

Teenager? I am turning twenty in about a month. I ain't no teenager!

"Nothing", Mr. Haughty answered chastely.

Robert intervened before I could insult Logan with really inappropriate words. I seemed innocent and prude, but could also burst out quiet indecently.

"So both of you were drunk? Piece of cake. I need just the exact deatils where you have married and everything's gonna be solved."

"That's pleasant. How quickly can you do it?" Logan asked interested.

"After my free month, within a week. So you guys have to wait about five weeks." Robert answered.

"No shit." Logan murmured causing his friend to roll his eyes.

"Logan, I know you have some problems with Maths, that's why I extra emphasized on the five. You would have struggled if I hadn't."

"Haha. Very funny", Logan said dryly and decided to open a window letting fresh air inside.

I couldn't hold back and burst into giggles because of their bickering. Everytime I tried to stop it would get worse.

"You're finished?" He asked dryly as he strode back to his desk.

"Is it forbidden to laugh now?" I replied challenging (for your information: I am not always a wall flower). It has been proven, that laughing is good for your health!

"In my office, yes it is. So if you don't mind, Ms. Lenton, we have still some issues to solve."
Logan turned to his best friend expectantly.

"Like I said, as soon as I am back, everything will be solved within a week. And your wedding is not until October, Violet, right?"

"Right. So no need to worry?" I inquired preventively.

"No need to worry." Robert confirmed again. "So I have a flight to attend or my girlfriend's going to kill me. See ya guys in about a month. And Logan, just email me the information I need. Bye." Cheerily the lawyer waved to us and left the room.

"Bye", Logan murmured and took a seat on his office chair.

"So it's my cue to leave." Relieved I made a move to also leave the office but was held back by Logan.

"Ms. Lenton, don't go and sit. We have to talk." He was back to his professional himself and waited patiently for me to obey his order.

"I'd love to but Leo is waiting for me. So goodbye."

"I'll send her a massage. Now sit down, Violet."

"Oh, you do call me with my forename now." I said taking a seat.

"You are my wife. It's normal to be on first name terms." His blueish grey eyes bore into mine defiantly.

"Okay, if you say so, Logan. What do you want talk about?"

Seriously. What's going on? Haven't we already cleared everything? Sitting here and waiting for Logan to talk was as tremendous as the reason why I was here, first of all. I really did hope that Chris doesn't get to know anything about this whole crap. It would break his heart!


I was his fiancée and at the same time married to an haughty Mr. Know-it-all. Oh, dear God!

"What do you remember about that night?"

Hello, everyone!!
1) I am really sorry it took me eons to update again because I was caught up with school stuff and got kind of a writer's block but now I am back!
2) thank you freaking much to more than 8000 views! I don't even understand how I deserve it (I don't do) and want to say that I love you, guys for everything!!!
3) Leave a vote or a comment (positive/negative) if you like the chapter or something ^^'
4) Have a good night/day/afternoon/evening!!

-Vini xx

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