Gano x Vanitas

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Vanitas stared into the eyes of the bird mask, trying to intimidate the man hiding beneath it. The man was a similar height, maybe even a little shorter, but Vanitas was well aware he didn't have the most imposing figure so he wasn't certain how well the intimidation was working. Especially since he didn't have either of his daggers on him after the chasseurs had confiscated them, along with his other belongings.

"You're the vampire doctor," The man said after a moment.

"Well obviously!" Vanitas snapped, immediately ten times more irritated. "We wouldn't be here if I wasn't, would we?"

"I just wanted confirmation. Let's say I have a certain interest in you due to your connection with the blue moon. It doesn't serve my purposes to have you captured by my fellow chasseurs."

"You're a chasseur?" Vanitas smiled. "Interesting mask for one of you lot to carry."

"Ah, slip of the tongue. I suppose hiding my identity isn't worth much in that case." The man removed his mask. "My name is Gano, pleasure to meet you."

Vanitas took in his appearance, finding himself inexplicably unsettled. Something about the man's features gave Vanitas an uncanny feeling, though he imagined Gano could have been handsome in his youth. The sunken eyes and cheeks, the bags under his eyes, the greasy hair, even the tilt of his smile all contributed to the slight feeling of wrongness. But Vanitas found that although he was unsettled he didn't find the man particularly unpleasant. Gano clearly chose to look like that to certain extent. Someone who wore their unappealing features plainly was easier to believe than someone who took great pains to hide them.

"So, Gano," Vanitas sneered, "What do you want?"

"Nothing. I only want to rescue you."

"I don't need rescuing."

"I apologise. I want to help you escape."

"Why?" Vanitas glared.

"I told you, I don't want the kin of the blue moon captured by the chasseurs."

"In that case all you need to do is release me from this cell and I'll find my own way out through the catacombs."

"Unlikely. Though you can no doubt traverse some of the catacombs there's no way you've been down here before." Gano smirked, leaning back against the wall. "Besides, I know where your book is."

"You're saying that you're going to help me retrieve my book and take me outside? Sorry if I don't quite buy into your good guy act."

"I never said I was good," Gano chuckled. "For now my interests align with yours, it's as simple as that. After I help you I won't necessarily be on your side should we meet again."

"And whose side are you on?"

"Ah, now that's confidential. As, I imagine, is the side that you're on."

"I'm on my own side."

"Then you can consider me the same. I only act according to my own desires and goals."

"Whatever. I'll go along with you for now but as soon as I sense it's in my best interest I'll ditch you."

"Fine by me," Gano shrugged. "Now, shall we go?" He opened the door to the cell and gestured like a man holding the door for his lady friend.

Vanitas grunted at him in irritation but walked outside with little fuss. Vanitas glanced around the hallway he emerged into. Gano had been right, it wasn't a tunnel that Vanitas recognised from his time with the chasseurs. He'd never been privy to all the chasseur's secrets and he had always known there were more well hidden parts of the catacombs. Still, it was irksome to have less knowledge than what was at best a shaky ally and at worst a cunning enemy.

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