The K-Squad are to visit Monster Island again after a vicious attack by the Aliens and Mutants, while there they encounter King Wither and Queen Ender, who are trying to find Godzilla. The Mechas, after battling Battra find out a disturbing secret...
At the GDF headquarters, Keith was talking to Jennifer when ZOne Fighter, who shrunk to his human sized form, approached
Zone Fighter: Commander?
Keith: yes, Zone Fighter?
Zone Fighter: there's something you should see, you too, proffessor
Jennifer: alright
Zone Fighter then showed a hologram of Battra's data when he battled him.
Zone Fighter: i scanned Battra as i fought him, while doing so i discovered an irregularity in Battra's physiology.
he showed a hologram of Battra's brain and points to a strange object
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Zone Fighter: i'm no neurologist, but i can definetly assure *points to the object* THAT doesn't look like it belongs in a Kaiju's brain!
Keith: what is it..?
Jennifer: it's a surgically implanted microchip interfacing with Battra's temporal lobe, that's the part of the brain used for creating and preserving both conscious and long-term memory.
Keith: so, the Xillians must have captured him and put that chip in his brain to control him against the Earth.
Jennifer: looks like it
Zone Fighter: what should we do?
Keith: i know, once Battra attacks again, we'll capture him, put him under and get the chip out of his brain, that should bring him back to normal.
Jennifer: Alright, Kiryu should be able to incapacitate him easily
Keith: *looks out the window* i'm not gonna order Kiryu to do so
out the window shows a new Mecha like Kiryu, but female