The crew later, were settling down with Wither and Ender, talking about the realms they came from.
Taliesin: Enchantment? What's enchantment?
Queen Ender: it's using special magic to make any armour, weapon or any other equipment more powerful and effective.
Travis: amazing
On another part of the island Godzilla was groaning in pain from his tail
Mothra: *approaches* Godzuki?
Godzilla: hey, Mothra...ugh..*groans as he sat down, tail regeneration was painful*
Mothra: oh my...I know what can cheer you up *clears throat*
To Godzilla's delight as he sat down, Mothra begun singing
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Travis: hey, you guys hear that?
Daniel: i recognise that sound! it's coming that direction! let's go!
the K-Squad and the Ender/Witherkaiju followed the singing and got over a hill, and there was Mothra singing to Godzilla.
Daniel: we've found the King and Queen again.
Laura: wow, Mothra sounds so angelic.
Taliesin: it's like she's soothing the tough beast
Daniel: *smiles* that's right
Mothra sang so heavenly Godzilla cooed in response, whenever the King was stressed or angered, the Queen would always calm him down.
King Wither approached them both, who became alert of his appearance
King Wither: calm down King of The Monsters, i'm no enemy
Godzilla: who are you?
King Wither: i'm King Wither, king of the Nether
Queen Ender: i am Queen Ender, queen of the End
King Wither: you must be Godzilla, King of the Monsters
Godzilla: yes, that's me.
Queen Ender: we can help you put an end to the conflict against Ghidorah and Destoroyah
Godzilla: how?
King Wither: we'll be allies to you and find a way to banish the Mutants from Earth.

Godzilla Ultimate War - Episode 6
AksiThe K-Squad are to visit Monster Island again after a vicious attack by the Aliens and Mutants, while there they encounter King Wither and Queen Ender, who are trying to find Godzilla. The Mechas, after battling Battra find out a disturbing secret...