Emily Skinner

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I remember the first day of school I had a huge crush on this girl, Emily. I had a feeling that she wouldn't like me back, but I didn't know that she'd remind everyday. She has been bullying me ever since she found out that I like her, I have no idea how she did, but she did. She will still bully me, she won't stop, calling me names like fag or whore because I was bi, and she said the only reason why I'm bi is because I'm just a whore and want both genders. That wasn't true.

***Present Day

I'd usually look at days, like just another day at school. Nothing exciting. But I talked to my aunt who dealt with bullies because of her sexuality and gave me some advice, saying ''The only reason she is bullying you is because she likes you and whether, either you or Emily want to believe that, she is just to scared to say it or she doesn't know how or maybe she doesn't even know that she likes you.'' And she was right, I don't believe that Emily likes me. But even though I didn't think that there was any possibility of her liking me I decided to confront her anyways.

I was on my way to school, walking because Emily flattened my bike tires last Monday. Once I'd gotten to school I looked for Emily because I wanted to confront her and get it over with, though I might get my face punched in, oh well. I couldn't find her so I just stopped looking for her and if I saw her I would just confront her then, but right as I stopped I saw her walk through the front doors, this was perfect, she was alone. I rushed over to her and shoved her and I into the janitors closet, It happened so fast she couldn't even protest.

''What the heck are you doing?!'' She said. I just locked the door, and then faced her.

''Do you like me?'' I asked.

''What? No, gross. I'm not a fag.'' She replied rolling her eyes.

''Okay.'' I said, kind of embarrassed to think that she liked me.

Emily's POV:

''Do you like me?'' Y/N said. Oh my gosh this is your chance, tell her how you feel. I thought.

''What? No, gross. I'm not fag.'' I said knowing darn well I was. And that I did like her. Come on Emily, just tell her already. I thought once again to myself.

''Okay.'' She said as she looked embarrassed. She started to walk out. I felt bad, you know what I'm going to say it.

''Y/N'' I said. She turned around and I kissed her. I kissed her. I. Kissed. Her. I was just suppose to tell her how I feel, not kiss her. Oh my gosh.

''Woah.'' She said.

''So, you do like me?'' She said questioning my actions

''Yeah.'' I replied.

''So why didn't you just tell me from the start?''

''Because I was embarrassed, and didn't know how to talk to you so I just bullied you, think that would help me get closer to you. I'm sorry.''

''I accept your apology.'' She said.

''I know that this is going to sound stupid considering all the things I've done to you, but can you be my girlfriend? I understand if you don't.''

''No, Emily. I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend.'' She said kissing me again. Me kissing back of course.


Me and Emily had another class together, it was our last class. Science. We had to do a project and luckily we were able to pick partners, of course me and Emily picked each other. We both wanted to get to know each other more.

We went to my house talked, worked, and kiss. She ended up staying the night. I am actually glad, that I talked to my aunt, I texted her and thanked her, telling her what happen.

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