This Society

52 9 1

One Year Earlier

I squint up at the all too blue sky, using my fingers to shield myself from the burning sun. It's hot today, hotter than it should be mid-August. Like the last little remnants of summer are trying to shine through, reminding us that it isn't quite autumn yet.

I should've left my jacket at home. But I can't take it off now. If I do, I'm likely to lose it. It's not like I'll never get it back, if I do lose it. An android will drive it over to my dorm. Lost-and-Founds are the ones who return lost items. They're certainly useful, they save parents thousands of dollars a year on replacing every lost jacket, Tupperware, pencil, earring, and who knows what else. But, useful as they are, it can be a little bit embarrassing to have one come to your house. Especially since they issue a Mess-Up.

Mess-ups are the lowest form of Punishment, but Punishment none the less. If you get thirty Mess-ups in the span of six months, it becomes a Shameful. Twenty-five Shamefuls are a Mistake, twenty Mistakes are a Bully, fifteen Bullies are a Delinquent, ten Delinquents are a Lost Cause, five Lost Causes... are an Imperfect

I shudder at the thought of being an Imperfect. I only have one Shameful and seventeen Mess-ups so far in this six-month span, and we're around five and a half months in. A new span starts at the beginning of every school year, which is in about two weeks. I know it's impossible for me to get enough Mess-Ups, or do something bad enough, that I am issued an Imperfect. But even the very word is enough to make me shiver.

Imperfects are the ghost stories we're told as children, the ones that keep us up at night.
"Did you hear about Yukari Yamazaki's mom? They say she was issued an Imperfect, and she got taken away. And Yuki's never gonna see her again! That could happen to any of us! And nobody would ever know what happened!" Katsuki had whispered, looking over at his terrified friends through the flashlight beam. It had just been fun and games at the time, but at night when he was alone... he couldn't help but wonder.

He could still hear the Androids voice in his nightmares. Saying that word to him
"Name: Katsuki Bakugo. Number: 528. Issue: Imperfect" he could still feel the fear it had brought him

Nobody knows what happens to Imperfects, only that they Disappear. And are never heard from aga-

"Name: Katsuki Bakugo. Number: 528. Crime: lingering in crowded space. Please move before a Mess-up is issued" the robotic voice of a Reminder Android speaks up from next to me, reminding me of the rules. I nod politely and continue on my way, and the path is free once again. I won't deny it. My heart plunges as they begin to speak, the voice being all too similar to that of my nightmares.

Of all the different types of androids, I think reminders are my favorite. Were it not for them giving us warnings before issuing a punishment, I'd have twice as many Mess-ups. Or maybe even another Shameful... my mom refers to me as a Mess-up magnet, saying that if the Androids weren't biased towards me because I am so talented, I'd have a Mistake every six-month span. Which is silly. Everyone knew that the Androids can't be biased, it isn't in their programming. Saying that is just Mitsuki's way of bragging about how talented I am. Which I suppose I am. I get good grades, in athletic, and I'm pretty good at playing the drums. But Mom always exaggerates. All moms do, I suppose

Shaking my head, I pick up my pace and start jogging. I need to hurry if I wanna meet up with my friends by our designated time of 3:30. I grab my phone from my pocket and... it's 3:27. I'm already almost late. Once classes start again, it's going to be harder to meet up. I need to make the most of the time we can have now

"Fuck!" I mutter under my breath. I pick up the pace so I'm sprinting, and tear through the city towards the cafe. Before I can reach it, however, I'm stopped by a girl with bright pink hair

"Hey Kat!" She giggles and waves "why're you running so fast... scared of being late? Well... later than you already are?" I roll my eyes at the girl's teasing and flip her off
"Shut up, Mina" I warn. I know this kind of behavior can warrant a Mess-up, but we're listed as Good Friends on our files so I doubt we'll get one for it.
"Come on!" She calls "the rest of the squad is waiting for ya, Kat"

       I curse under my breath as I chase after Mina. She's heading towards a cafe, the one I work at. I chose for us to meet there, since my shift starts in forty-five minutes and I don't want to be late. I suppose we could go somewhere else, they may be sick of going to this same tiny cafe every single time I choose where we meet up. But I don't really care. Not that I'd ever say that out loud. You have to care for your friends feelings, it's common sense. I just... don't. At least, it doesn't come naturally to me

I plunk down at the table next to Eijiro and Denki, and wave vaguely in greeting
"Kat! Hey, man, how are you?" Eijiro says, smiling warmly and waving at me in greeting
"Hey Eiji..." I'm tired, honestly a little too tired for this. But social interaction is an absolute must, it really helps on my transcripts. That way, when I want to get a job, it will be easier.

My ideal job is chef, one of the few jobs that requires little to no social interaction. I can't imagine working one of the jobs that makes you constantly talk to other people. Even if it is the norm to enjoy talking to other people... I try my best to focus on the conversation, but it has stopped

All energy is focused on the two boys about to beat the crap out of each other

(Word count: 1072) does that count as a cliffhanger? I'm new to this shit, man

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