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   "Mama! Did you hear? There's a mass murderer, he's escaped Azkaban Prison in England

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"Mama! Did you hear? There's a mass murderer, he's escaped Azkaban Prison in England. This is crazy!" The young witch ran through the halls of her family's mansion, in pursuit of her mother. Her excitement fizzed in the air around her, her bare feet slapping against each marble tile. The adrenaline pumped in Estrella's veins as she twisted and turned through the many corridors until she finally reached the living room.

  "Mija! Slow down!" Her mother laughed as she bounced towards her flapping the paper in her face. It was this morning's issue of  "The Daily Prophet." ( Estrella had spent the early hours of the morning waiting outside the No-Maj's shop for it ), and as Estrella's bright eyes scanned each line of the article her voice grew louder and louder until she gasped dropping the paper.

  "He is the first person to ever escape? Wow!"

  "You mean to say nobody has done it before?" Her mother dropped her sewing needle and placed her glasses on the bridge of her nose. She bent down, picking the golden sheets back up, and shook them lightly before peering closely to the writing. "How did he do it?" She breathed.

  "That's the mystery!" The young girl jumped up, standing on the vast coffee table, and started to pave up and down. "Maybe he Apparated?"

  "If he could Apparate, would there even be a point in the jail itself?" 

 "Maybe he broke out? In the middle of the night and ran? I read he was an exceptional Quidditch player when he was at school."

  "Azkaban prison is surrounded by water, he wouldn't have been able to get far."

 "Fine then," She huffed, sitting down in front of her mother. "What do you think?"

 "I think he was disguised. They didn't catch him because he wasn't himself.  An Animagus." Her mother nodded her head, watching as the gears started to turn in her daughter's head.

 "An animal disguise, Dementors can't sense animals! Mama that's genius." Estrella exclaimed, rambling on about how far she wondered he could reach. Why did he escape in the first place? To murder again? To avenge the maniacal Dark Lord, Estrella has heard oh so much about? Her train of thought was soon brought to an end when a timid voice sounded out from behind them.

 "La senora?" The two turned their heads to see their small house elf stood by the door. "Senor Consuelas is home."

Estrella's stomach had flipped and her heart dropped to the pits of her stomach. She dreaded when her father had arrived home, it meant she would have to suffer the next few hours pretending to be the little angel she had to lead him on to believe she was. To any other young girl, their father may be their haven, their best friend, but to Estrella, her father was nothing more than a bully.

You may think she is overreacting, but the bruises littering her skin would say otherwise. "I wonder what bad news he's brought home today." She mumbled under her breath, turning around to let her mother sort out her hair.

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