Why? Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be a rich guy that I didn't know? Why couldn't they send a different team? Why was god testing me?
There was so many 'why's and not enough answers. In fact there were no answers! There was no reason for it to me him, no reason for my team being here, no reason for him being my high school boyfriend.
Please don't recognize me! Please, please, please. I have to remain unrecognizable.
"Amy? Amy Dukic?" He blinked a few times and took a few steps forwards.
Well great, the one prayer I've made in 3 years and it doesn't even come true. Thanks god!!!
I looked over at Dylan and he gave me a questioning look. I gave him a small head shake and turned back to Mr. Argile. Mr. Brayden Argile.
"Who?" I smoothed out my voice to sound silky and collected. "We're your 6 o'clock"
"Amy, I know that's you, I thought you we're dead, hell everyone thought you we're dead!"
"Mr. Argile, please." Dylan tried to protest but Brayden cut him off.
"Please, you can leave right now if you will not tell me the truth of who you are." He was serious. There was a flame in his eyes that showed he had determination. It was time to lie to the only boy I ever loved.
I took a step forward "Brayden." I held my head up high and saw something break in his eyes. A tear escaped out of his eye. I quickly looked back at Dylan and he looked equally confused and shocked. I put my right arm behind my back and started doing sign language to him.
Its a long story. Please just go along with it and I'll explain later.
Since he didn't protest I assumed he got it.
"Amy, please tell me that is really you." Braydens expression held a mixture of sadness and happiness.
"Yes, I'm so sorry Brayden." Before I could finish my sentence he took 7 long strides to me and engulfed me in a hug. His hug was tight. He smelt just like I remember. Its the same cologne he wore everyday. The same cologne we wore to the semi formal at our school the day I was kidnapped.
"I went to your funeral." He mumbled into my hair. "What happened?"
"Its a long story" I was surprised he heard me. Everything was mumbled into his chest. Hopefully my makeup was still fine.
Brayden broke the embrace and quickly walked over to his desk. I took this time to sign to Dylan again.
His old name was Brayden Martin. He was my high school sweetheart. We were at the semi formal the day I was taken.
"Sara, please clear my appointments from 6 to 8" there was silence. "I don't care, move them around, something important just happened and this meeting is going to take a bit more time than I thought."
He hung up and walked over to one of the sofas and motioned for us to join him. I took this moment to turn on my hearing piece allowing Aaron, Tyler, and M to hear. But I couldn't hear them. I wasn't taking any chances with Brayden hearing the static or someone yelling in the background.
I sat down with Brayden on my right and with Dylan on my left. I turned my head to Brayden and I saw hurt in his eyes. For the first time in a long time I felt guilt. It wasn't even my fault and I felt guilt.
Can I still love?
ActionA is an entirly different person. She used to be sweet and kind and gental. Now she's a cold blooded killer. Her one and only job was to kill rich men and transfer their funds into her bosses account. She had no problem with it until her recent assi...