In my diary(Nathalie Malicious)part1

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                    1 September

Dear diary,
Every day and night I think more and more about Hogwarts. I am waiting and waiting for how and how my letter will come.

Every night I stand in front of the window and wish the stars that my letter finally comes.

But it never came. 3 years have passed and no trace of the letter has passed. I have a note. NOTHING.

Until one night, as I wanted for a star and I was choosing, I saw something flying over my roof. Then I wiped my tears because I couldn't see.

When I opened them I saw in front of me a beautiful white with two beautiful blue eyes owl looking at me .

Then I touched her wonderful head because I had never seen the most beautiful creature in my life.

Suddenly when I was looking at her beautiful face, I see in her small beak holding a letter that has one of the most beautiful as if it was made of the most expensive candle.

It was red like the rose where it had a circle shape and in the middle it wrote with very beautiful letters the word 《Hogwarts》 what ?!

Wait I just read well or I have a problem with my eyes ?! HOGWART ?! Then I thought some mistake would be made but when I took it in my hands they had started to warm up and tremble with anxiety and I saw it written from the outside ~to Miss Nathalies Malicious ~ !!!
At that moment I started crying with joy.

Unfortunately for me, when I opened it, it said that I had to go tomorrow.

But my parents didn't know and I had not bought the things I needed and it was night. What would I do?! Then I looked at the time and saw that I did not manage to do anything.

Then I ran and told Mom and Dad but she got angry and would not let me go. I started crying and begging them but nothing.

Then i decided to leave to go live my dream that night.

The sequel comes thank you to anyone who reads it. I hope you liked it so far🥺❤

Dear Harry♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt