I went to open the door to go to the vast to make my dream come true, but when I opened it my father came down and shouted at me.
I started crying and shouting 《Why are you doing this to me and you deprived of my dreams ?!》 but he didn't answer and took me to the room and locked me up.
Then I started knocking on the door with all my might and breaking into sobs and voices.
But then I stopped and went to sleep after I had understood that nothing would happen.
*many days later*
7 September
My sweet diary,
I'm still here to wait.6 days have passed.Hogwarts letters are raining down on my house.Because as we all know Hogwarts when it wants to fulfill a wish it fights until it succeeds. This is what I love most about Hogwarts.
But my parents throw them away all the time. Luckily I got one and they don't know it.
So when it got dark and everyone went to bed I after I was in the room I locked and left the key up. I got some things I wanted and jumped out of the window * it wasn't high * and I followed an owl that brought me letters from Hogwarts.
Until I stopped because I was tired and I was sitting on a bench I found next to me.
I woke up in the morning and was in a Hogwarts school clothing store. And next to me was a tall gentleman with long brown hair and he was a little chubby.And I shouted 《aaaaa time Mr. Hagrid?!!》
Mr. Hagrid: Yes, and you are Mrs. Nathalie Malicious. Correctly?!
Me:Yes!Then he took me to buy things.Then we went to Hogwart express and he came with me so I wouldn't be left alone. From there we went through a wonderful wall and found ourselves on platform 9 3/4.
Until we got to Hogwarts. This incredibly wonderful place.😍
Now I close you my diary to you so far I don't know if I will write to you while I am here at Hogwarts. Maybe.
I love you very much!❤
I hope you like it and keep reading it. It is the first story I write and in a little while the adventures begin. Thanks to those who have read it. Please write me comments if you liked it🥺🥺💖

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Dear Harry♡
خيال (فانتازيا)If you like Harry Potter and you love him just read this. I really like Harry. I write this story because I love Harry Potter movies but more Harry. This story is very emotional and can make you sad at times. If you love Harry just read this!! I...